Chapter 44

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I got everything packed last night and now I'm on my way to school, I immediately put the outfit I'm going to be wearing for the flight since I won't have time to come back home and change, so it was something confortable, some grey sweat pants and a croptop. Liv is going to be driving me to the air port and Faith is picking me up. I'm actually super excited for this trip.

I stoped at dunkins for some coffee, I got in since there was a big queu at the drive through, and guess who was there. The one and only Charli D'amelio, I try to look away but she see's me before i want make a move. "Hey Mags!" she says, not that I don't like her, on the contrary she's one of the best persons i've ever met, and that's the point. "Hey Charli" I say, "What's up?" she asks, "I'm on my way to school, I just stopped for coffee" I say and she frowns.

 "You should really consider online school" she says, "I know, mostly with stuff like yesterday, but I don't know" I add, "Well think about it, it can be good for you, plus now that you have such a big platform, you can focus on it" she says, "I see where you're coming from, I'll look into it, I'll also have to talk with my friends, it would be a pitty to not graduate with them" I say, she smiles warmly. "You will know what to do when the time comes" she says, she grabs her coffee and waaves goodbye before walking away.

I bring my hands to my head, how did I have the heart to do that to her?! How was I so stupid just a few weeks ago, why was I such a whore. "Next!" my thought are interrupted by the cashier yelling. I order my coffee and leave. 

"Hey mags, why the long face?" says Liv, we're currently on our second class of the day and I'm thinking back to earlier today, "I saw charli today, she told me I should lookk into onnline classes, and I think she's right, but it's my last year and I want to graduate with you guys" I say, "I think she's right, you could always do the school's programm, you'll be able to graduate with us, and walk the stage along side" she says, smiling. "I didn't know about that, thank you so much!" I say. She just nods and smiles once more.

"Moday is holiday so I'm coming monday afternoon, I'll see you guys monday night, it's not a big deal!" I say to the girls, we're sitting at a table in the middle of the cafeteria as usual and we're talking about how they will miss me this weekend. "Still it would have been funner if you came!" Ashley said, they were going to the beach on saturday. "We can go to the beach anyday guys, it's fine! But please just promise me you guys will have fun on your own, be responsible, don't get roofied!" I say, "Yeah yeah, don't worry!" Abigail adds. We all start laughing and talking about other things.

"Well it's time, bye guys see you monday" I say waving from the passangers seat. "Thanks again for driving me" I say turning to Liv, "Of course girl, anytime, I know you'd do the same" she says, "Of course I would" i add. We turned on some music. "You should start a live" Liv says, "Yes!" I say, startinng on on instagram. "Hey guys" I say...

We're almost at the airport at the moment. "Where are you guys going?" I read a comment out loud, "Well Liv here, is driving me to the airport, I can't risk to tell you where I'm going because it's a surprise but I'll surely vlog it for you guys!" I say, I read a few more comments before realizing we were already there, "Well loves, it was great talking to all of you, once i get where i'm going, I'll do another live and I'll be guesting alot of you! but byee!!" I say, blowing a kiss at the camera.

"Have a safe trip!" Liv says, as we gave a last hug, "I will, drive safely!" I reply.

The plane took off half an hour ago, so, four hours and twenty minutes left! Ugh I can't wait, I decided to take a nap and so I did. I woke up and there was only fifteen minutes until landingso I decided to take some pics and videos of the view out the window. 

I landed and now I'm just looking for Faith at the pickup area, it's still day so that's nice, "Mags?" says a girl from behind me, I turn around and it was indeed Faith, "Heyy!" I say giving her a hug which she immediately returned. "It's so good to finally see you!" she says, "It so good to finally see you too!" I say, "Wow you're stunning" I add, "Thank you, but that's all you!" she says, we chuckle and make out way to her car.

"We're here" she says, we've been blasting music and singing our whole way here, and now we pulled up to a very nice house with a red toyota parked in front, payton's car. I was squealing in excitement, "shh! we don't want him to look out his window" Faith says chuckling as she opened the trunk of her car, revealing my suitcase, "Right" I say. 

We quietly made our way in the house, "Hey, I'm joanne, you must be Magnolia!" Joanne whispered, she was in on the surprise too. "It's so nice to meet you" I say, she goes in for a hug which I gladly returned. "Hey mom do we still have reese's-" Payton says coming down the stairs but stopping midway through his sentence, "Mags?" he says, he was shirtless, just wearing sweatpants and a beanie. "Surprise!" I say.

He rushed over and have me a tight hug, "Holy shit you're here!" he says, "Yep, I am" I say, chuckling, he walks over to faith and his mother once we let go and gave them a hug too, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he said, like a little kid, making me slightly laugh. 

"I'll take that for you now come one, I'll show you my room" he says springting up the stair, I look over at Faith and Joanne and they were smirking, I smile and rush up the stairs, catching up to Payton. We entered a really nice room that was also a music room I guess you could say, "Paylia back at it again!" he says, says jumoing on his bed, I jumped on top of him "Yessir!" I say, making the both of us crackle up laughing.

"I missed you so much!" he says, "I missed you more, Paybae" I say, making us laugh once more, this is going to be fun!

Until we finally meet~Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now