Chapter 56

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I'm on my way downstairs to cereal fest once again since I couldn't sleep anymore and sat down in between Griffin and Quinton. "Hi humans" i whisper considering the time,  "Hi mags" they both say, "How was your night?" Griffin asks, "It was fun" I say with a shy smile, "Easy to tell" Quinton asks with a smirk. "Shut the fuck up child" I say embarrassed. "What do you mean?" Griffin interrupts, "Nothing" I say, "They did the nasties" Quinton replies, "OoooOoooOOoo" Griffin says poking my side, "Shut up!!" I whisper yell.

"Could y'all fuck less loudly next time, It's hard to sleep when my room is next to y'all's" Kio says sitting down in front of us, I cover my face in embarrassment and the other two start laughing, "Okay okay can we move on from this subject?" I add, "Yeah yeah don't worry" quinton says holding back his laughs, I slightly swap the back of his head, "If Cynthia ever comes over imma do the same to you" I say, "Fine fine sorry" he says.

"How's Olivia?" I ask Kio in order to change subject, "She's fine" he says eating a spoon full of cereal, "Hmm" I say unsure, "I don't really want to be with her and you all know, but we get paid so like-" he says, "We get the point, is there someone tho?" I ask, "Riley" he whispers, "HUBATKA?!" Quinton asks, loudly, "That's it, tell the whole neighborhood will ya" Kio says rolling his eyes. "Wait...but isn't like Olivia not even 18 yet?" i ask, and kio nods, "Isn't that like technically illegal?" Griffin asks, "I'm not sure, I'm guessing...?" Kio adds. 

We continued talking about random stuff until I felt myself getting sleepy again, "I'm gonna go sleep again, see you guys later" I say standing up and putting my bowl away. "Good...night?" they say, "Night y'all" I say walking upstairs. As I'm walking towards my door I see Josh get out of his room, "You good?" I ask, he nods and proceeds to start walking, "You sure...?" I continue acknowledging his sad expression, "I said I'm fine mags" he says sternly, "Okay jesus" I say walking into Jaden's room. 

I get in bed and cuddle next to Jaden, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer, I'm left with a smile of satisfaction. "Stop leaving me" he whispers still asleep, I don't even know how to describe the way that made me feel, I turn around and hug him tightly. I love him.... 

I wake up and Jaden is still sleeping and yet he looked perfect- I check my phone and I had an alert, telling us the state was entering lock down tonight, "Where you spend tonight will be where you spend the next few days and possibly weeks" I whispered read, fuck fuck fuck fuck, it's happening, we knew it would eventually but I didn't think it would be so soon! Should I stay here? Go home? Do I go get clothes? Do we have enough food? What do we do if we catch the virus? I had so many questions. 

"Jaden... wake up" I say gently shaking him, "What's going on?" he asks with a worried expression, "We're going on lock down" I say, "HUH? When?" he asks, "Check your phone" I add, he reads the alert and turns to me, "We need to go get your stuff" he says, I find it so cute that the first thing he said was that. I stare at him in awe, "You're too cute, what did I do to deserve you" I say sitting on his lap to hug him,  "it's the other way around" he says hugging me tighter. 

We go downstairs to re-unite with the others and talk about the situation.... "There's so many things we have to do before lock down" I say, "A few indeed, Jaden and Mags, you guys go get Mags stuff that she will need and if anything food from her Place, Bryce, Anthony and I will go grocery shopping, then Josh, Kio and Quinton, inform yourselves on everything we might need to know" Griffin says, we all nod, "Okay we don't have all day so chop chop" he continues. 

We make it to my place that was barely my place anymore and get in, "Okay so, you can go ahead and raid the kitchen and I go pack what I need upstairs" I say, he nods and I give him a peck, "There's bags on the bottom cupboard" I say going up the stairs. I once again put on some music and take out a suitcase I put in most of my hoodies and sweatpants then some other things that fitted, I walk to my parents room in pain just to take another suitcase, I hadn't been here in the longest time.

I slightly open the door, I look around and see all the pictures and their things that were still there, a picture of all four of us, my sister was still so young, too young.... I can't help but let down some tears, i walk back to my room passing my sister's room... I refuse to look in. Even if I hadn't reacted to their death doesn't mean it hadn't affected me, I lived it... but before. And it hurt me clearly.

I walk downstairs with my bags packed and puffy eyes, Jaden came over and hugged me, "It's's okay" he says as he kissed the top of my head, "She was too young.... it should of been me" I said between sobs, "Don't you ever say that again, and she's in a better place now...." he says, I hug him tighter for a second then let go, he wiped away my tears with his thumbs, "You're beautiful" he says making me smile... "Okay, are ready to go?" i say ask, "Yep, most of the things are in the car" I nod and we get in his car.


It pained me to see her like that... she was clearly miserable but yet she completely brushed it off in seconds. 

We got in the car and I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was, and you might think *oh he probably says that of everybody* trust me, no I don't, she's truly my one and only, and I didn't show it enough before. I didn't at all specially when the Nessa situation happened. I put my hand on her thigh and smile at her, she takes my hand and gives me a quick kiss, "I know I said this before but I just can't stress it enough, I missed this and you" she says, "I missed it more trust me" I add, "Now that's debatable" she continues chuckling.

Until we finally meet~Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now