Chapter 18: Again?

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Hey everyone! Hope you're all hanging in there with Coronavirus and whatnot. I know things are tough right now for everyone, and a lot of people have no work/school, so I'm going to try to update my stories more frequently so everyone has something to look forward to, okay? :)

That aside, this chapter is dedicated to all my friends in Europe, where things seem to be the worst right now. Stay strong, everyone. And stay safe.

On another note, I'm finally quitting one job and moving over to my other job as closely to full time as I can manage. Which means I won't be working 6 days a week for much longer. Which also means more time to write and sleep~! :D So look forward to that (I know I am).

Check out my Instagram (SilvermistAnimeLover) if you wanna see my cosplays! I've got Aizawa, and I'm piecing together a Midoriya, too. (I've got fangs for Swan Dive Shouta and Viridian Izuku).

Izuku sighed as he sat in his seat behind Kacchan. The two had walked to school together that morning (Izuku had stayed the night at Kacchan's house) and they'd gotten the rare opportunity to see a Hero Debut. Though Mt. Lady did take Kamui Woods' credit, the two were still happy to shout some encouragement to the disappointed man.

As a thanks, he'd given them both autographs, which the two had every intention of keeping until Kamui made it big. Then they would sell it for some extra spending cash and use that to further their own hero careers.

School had already been in for a couple of days, and people still weren't used to seeing Kacchan and Izuku as friends. The students would send them wary looks, and the teachers weren't entirely sure how to treat Izuku, now that their #1 pupil and U.A. Hopeful was taking the side of the one student they'd been allowed to harass, belittle, and torment (obviously, they hadn't had Dadzawa come in to defend Minizawa yet).

Even fewer people were willing to push Kacchan's buttons, though. Izuku's bullying had all but stopped. Though he still got notes and threats, he was so used to them by this point that he just threw them away without a second thought. Even Kacchan didn't know about them, though it wasn't like Izuku was hiding them on purpose. He just really didn't see the point in bringing it up to anyone. They were just notes, after all, and while they did sort of hurt, he had Kacchan and his family who loved and cared about him.

Izuku looked up when the students around him started kicking up a happy ruckus, throwing papers into the air and showing off their Quirks. Oh, the teacher must've said something about them becoming heroes again.

"Yes, yes. You all have wonderful Quirks. Now, settle down please, you all know you aren't allowed to use your powers at school." He reprimanded playfully.

"Speaking of... Bakugo, you're trying for U.A., right?" He asked, drawing Kacchan's attention.

"Yeah, what of it?" He replied lazily, as several students exclaimed how hard it was to get in. "Your point? I aced the mock test, and my Quirk is well suited for heroics. I doubt I'll have much trouble with their entrance exam."

Yeah, Kacchan had calmed down a lot over the time that the two had become friends again. Even his explosive anger was mostly quelled, due to some help that his parents had offered Kacchan (they knew a great counselor who worked miracles with both anger and ego). Shouta's exercise routine and meditation techniques helped a lot, too.

His dad had decided to help Kacchan a bit in his own U.A. training. He wasn't training him per se, but he gave him a workout routine to follow to help build stamina and the like. Kacchan and Izuku would spar often, as well.

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