Cancer you say?

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The next morning is hectic with Bexs parents going of to only god knows where and nothing to do with Bex and I sleeping in, not at all.

So I was not in the mood for a cheerful Alex when I got into school. There's just something about cheerful people in the morning that bothers me. Like what is so great about leaving your bed in the morning to be greeted by a day full of people who spread rumors about you. So when I grumble some half intelligent question about why, his only reply is "Gotta enjoy it while I'm still here, and today I'm feeling good." I couldn't really say anything to that, I mean he has terminal cancer for gods sake. So we sat in class Alex diligently taking down notes and me thinking up ways to phrase the casual question of "Hey did you know that your family were spy's?" Cause seriously how well would he take that? So after paying attention in class ( sleeping) lunch finally made an appearance. We sit in our usual spots, unwrapping our lunches. "Have you guys herd? Miss Conroy's mum is sick and she's leaving for Scotland Tomorrow." Tom looks "excited we can finally get a good math and PE teacher." We all perk up. At four foot five Miss Conroy could easily be the meanest and scariest teacher in the whole school. She didn't look like much but when you forgot to turn in your homework she turned in to the devil herself. Bex made that mistake only once. But she really had it out for Alex. No matter what he did she always picked on him, more so than the other teachers.

But like everything else Alex took it with the graceful and almost dismissive incline of his head. "I don't know, she wasn't that bad is Alex's mild reply." I look up incredulous until I see the small twitch in his lips. "Yeah what's not to like" Tom joins in "He winning personality or her award winning smile." Tom and Alex smile at each other.

Lunch is filled with imitations of Miss Conroy and eventually the other teacher. By the end my stomach hurts from laughing so much. "Alright guys stop" Bex gasps through her laughter. "I actually can't take much more, I think I'll die from laughter" Tom and Alex shrug at each other.

"So what do we have now?" I ask rummaging for my timetable. "Speak of the Devil, we have triple PE." Tom groans "Alex do you want to pull a sickie? Cause I would feel obliged to escort you to the nurses office." Tom looks pleading, Alex pauses. "I feel perfectly fine and I wouldn't want to deprive you of your last day with Miss Conroy." Tom sighs muttering something about the point of having sick friends if you can't take advantage. We make our way slowly to the changing rooms. I have to say I have gotten used the crowd parting for Alex in the hall but sometimes it's a little disconcerting. We part in the different changing rooms.

Amanda one of the girls is become friendly with joins me on the bench. "You know I haven't seen Alex laugh like that in years," She pauses "it was nice to see him happy for once." After she's said her peace she leaves me to my thoughts. changing quickly I join Bex as we leave for the PE hall. We maneuver ourselves to the guys, but refrain from talking. Miss Conroy blows her annoyingly loud whistle unnecessarily. As it's my last day, I have decided that you can choose what you want to do. Everyone starts to chatter and a few suggestions are thrown around like, football and hockey, but James's suggestions brings the most agreement "What about a fight, because we did martial arts for a few weeks. Straight away I know it isn't going to end well.

So after arguments someone brings out paper and a pen. First we separate the people who have trained in any form of martial arts,then there's the the league. Each fight isn't allowed last more than five minutes, but I knew that rule was only so people wouldn't get to badly beaten up. I was honestly surprised by the amount of people who did martial arts. I voiced my opinion to Amanda,"Well we do have two Dojo's and it was a trend a few years ago.
The fighting started and I have to say some of it was good, but it just wouldn't cut it in an actual fight. Myself and Bex downplayed our talent because we didn't need to draw even more attention to ourselves. at first it was single sex fights but as more people were eliminated everyone started mixing and things got more interesting. Watching Alex fight was a little disconcerting, his move were fluid but something seemed off I just couldn't my finger on it. It was Bex that pointed it out, "Look he's pridicting every move Jack makes." This time I look closely and sure enough when Jack is just about to land a blow Alex moves a fraction away so as the blow never lands. It looks like the blows land but the way everyone staggers trying to regain their balance it's obvious. Then just as the fight finished Alex will land his first and only blow. Generally a kick flooring his opponent making him win the match.
Suddenly it's the Final and Bex and Alex are the only ones left. Bex having won against me. Bexs method so far had been taunting her opponents into making them stupid but I could tell this wasn't going to work with Alex and so could she. But the strange thing was that Alex was the one to start talking his voice low, so I move closer to hear. "Always in the shadows poor Rebecca. Your friends with one of the best girls in the year and there you are always sidelined. Then you come back to England your sanctity where as an only child your used to being the favorited then suddenly cammie comes to England. And there you are angry, upset, jealous and guilty. And all these feelings are building up and above all is hate. Because she's your best friend and how dare she make you feel like this and hate for yourself because these feelings are unfounded. Your an unworthy friend because in the darkest recesses of your mind these dark little thoughts fester and grow. So come on Rebecca Baxter have at me let it go. Bex was quivering with suppressed rage and for a moment the whole hall was still then Bex exploded into action. The minute Bex lept at him Alex let out a savage smile. The fight was brutal and one sided. Bex rained punches down on Alex with an anger that I hadn't seen before. Alex retaliated by actually letting Bex hit him but barely. He moved in such a way that they turned into nothing more than a brush or a graze. "Fight back you idiot." Bex calls in anger but seems to have subsided somewhat, her blows at becoming more precise and Alex is starting to make more visible avoidances. And she lands a blow on Alex's arm nothing hard but it seems to have triggered the response she was looking for.He blinks and then snaps into a proper fighting stance. "What are you gonna do now Alex? Hit a girl?" Bex taunts as they go back to circling each other. "If you can give a punch you can take one Miss Baxter." With that he springs forward and they exchange a flurry of blows. It's almost like they're partaking in a deadly tango, then everything slows down. Alex grabs Bexs hand twists and flips her over. She lands on her back winded and he stands over her victorious. Not even out of breath at that breathtaking pace. Cancer he says with that sort if fitness?

Alright sorry for not updating, anything you want me to add I'll see what I can do thanks if nothing makes spence ask and I'll explain.

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