Chapter 8

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"There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

- "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston

Chapter 8

Harald awaited us at the Auction Island harbor. I had sent a note back with Leopold telling him that we agreed to his plan. Now he stood with the dragon on his shoulder, watching us with mild amusement. "Thank you for accompanying me today," he said. "We are going to have a great time."

"I'm sure we are," Heather said. Although she stated she was not suspicious of his motives, she still eyed him warily. "We're going to need information about what we're doing and where we're going."

"Of course, but I suggest we talk along the way. We do not want anyone to eavesdrop, and it will take some time to get there."

"That's awfully convenient," Eret said.

Harald smirked. "I assure you, it is for the best."

"Fine," I said. "But Bolt and Windshear will be flying alongside us."

Harald swept his gaze over the dragons. "As you wish, although I do not recommend they join us when we arrive at our destination. But come and I will explain everything."

As he started for his ship, Eret and Heather looked at me for direction. I nodded at them, and the three of us boarded. Bolt and Windshear took to the air and flew in circles above us. Harald set us off in an eastern direction. The silence only broke once Auction Island was out of sight.

"Alright," I said to Harald, "it's time to spill." My friends stood on either side of me, waiting expectantly.

"Very well," Harald said. "We are headed to an island full of rogue dragon hunters."

I frowned. "Rogue hunters? I didn't know there was such a thing."

"It is not as important now that the hunters lack leadership, but originally, they all sprang from the same tribe, led by Viggo. Over time, they employed hunters from all over. Some of them decided to go their own way, which Viggo - and later Krogan - did not tolerate."

"Sounds similar to the way dragon trappers are organized," Eret said. "They are not all under the same man, but anyone on his own is fair game. It's highly dangerous and risky."

Harald nodded. "Precisely. Knowing this, rogue hunters began to gather together until they had enough force to take over their own island where they could work independently from the main organization."

"I'm assuming you have a history with them," Heather said. "And I bet it's not a good one."

"We had a few... misunderstandings in the past. Not that I can't handle myself, but it would be better if they did not see me."

"And what exactly is it we're trying to get from them?" I asked.

"A map." Harald's eyes gleamed. "A treasure map."

"Oh, that sounds exciting!" Eret said. "Can we we go look for the treasure after we find the map?"

"No. I am afraid this is not your ordinary map. It is centuries old and locked inside a spherical object that would fit in the palms of your hands. The highest intellect is required to decipher the symbolism and decode the instructions to even open the map. Even I was not able to get far in the time I had it."

"And where did you obtain this map?" Heather questioned.

"It has been handed down in my family for generations, waiting for someone who could solve it. It belonged to my mother, who was supposed to give it to me, but my father stole it when he ran out on us. I found out later he returned to his old life as a pirate. After I joined his crew, I quickly realized he wanted me to solve the map for him. He became obsessed with finding the treasure and would have destroyed the whole archipelago searching for it if I had not convinced him I could help him find it the right way."

Heart of a Berserker: Faith (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now