Chapter 16

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"They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way clear through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says hope is very near

- "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston

Chapter 16

I did not realize where Astrid was taking me until I saw it: a beautiful, large island with high cliffs. This must be New Berk. Astrid smiled when she saw my amazement. "Is this your first time here?" she asked. "Quite a sight, isn't it?"

"That's for sure," I said. 

"I don't think anyone ever expected to find this strange island in the middle of nowhere, but it's nice. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of living in the clouds. Let's find Hiccup and tell him the news."

I took in everything as we flew over the village. It was still a work in progress, but everything seemed to be coming along great. We found Hiccup near the center of it all. Astrid quickly explained the reason for meeting with Stormheart and then left me alone to give him the details, claiming she had other business to take care of.

"Wow, this is great news," Hiccup said after I gave him Stormheart's offer. "Astrid will disagree, but I know in my heart that we can stop the fighting between us and Stormheart if we set our minds to it. Maybe they have ulterior motives. Yes, they may try to betray us. But if this ends up being the first step in the road towards peace in the archipelago... what choice do we really have?"

Despite what I went through at Auction Island, I had to smile at him. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?"

Hiccup looked at me in surprise. "Uh, thank you?"

I chuckled. "Most chiefs would want to destroy their enemies, but you're different. I like that. And for what it's worth, I think Stormheart is sincere. Grimmel and the warlords are not the kind of people she wants around. But that doesn't mean she won't try something against us as soon as they're defeated. We need to tread carefully."

Hiccup nodded. "You're right. Before I decide anything, I'll confer with Valka and Gobber and try to see it from their eyes. Don't worry; if I'm getting too gung ho - as I sometimes can get - I'm sure Astrid will put me back to reality."

I smiled. "Yeah, she's good at that, which is why I brought her with me to the meeting." Even though our roles turned out to be not quite what we expected. "Anyway, this is a pretty nice place you found."

Hiccup grinned. "This is your first time at New Berk, right? Welcome to our home! It doesn't look like much right now, but everyone has grand plans for their houses. Why don't you take a look around and get settled in? I suggest starting by the cliffs out of the mesa. You can get a feel for the beauty of this place."

"Sounds good to me!"

Bolt and I wandered off on our own. This really was a big place. Eventually, I found my way back to the village. I wondered if it might be a good time to start on my house. There was plenty of space to choose from.

"Brennda!" Astrid called. She was headed toward me with Viggo. I suddenly thought I knew where this was going. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine. I thought I might take my mind off... everything... by starting on my house."

"Excellent idea," Viggo said. "Let me offer you my assistance."

"I hope you don't mind, but I told him what happened at Auction Island," Astrid said with a tentative smile.

I looked at her curiously. "No, that's fine. But it wasn't your idea. Harald's the one who said he could help me."

Astrid's smile fell. "Your point?"

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