Chapter 15

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"They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright
I want to save their light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how"

- "Demons" by Imagine Dragons

Chapter 15

"Ugh," Astrid groaned as we started the climb up to Auction Island. "I swear it even smells like trouble here. This place has a long history of the dragon trade... it's stained with the pain of dragons."

"In a way, so is Berk," I pointed out. "And Berserker Island too, if you consider the Skrills."

Astrid gave me a look. "That's not the same thing. We didn't know any better."

"Do they?" I did not mean to be argumentative, but it was an honest question. I wanted to remain rational and keep free from strong emotions in either direction.

"I think that's a discussion for another time." Astrid stopped when we reached the top. "Okay! Let's focus, get this done, and get the heck out of here. We need to make our way to Stormheart's throne. It's pretty ostentatious of her to place it at the highest part of this island, don't you think? Let's go!"

I shrugged. "I guess." I led the way up the hill to Stormheart's thrown. Harald stood next to her on her left, and there were two guards one either side of them. I stopped a good distance away from the pirates.

"Brennda!" Harald said cheerfully. "I see you made it out of that death trap in one piece. How fortunate for both of us."

Any last hope I had that he had only left me once he knew I was safe was squashed like a bug - along with my desire to keep my emotions out of this conversation. I narrowed my eyes at him to make my intentions known. "Yeah, no thanks to you. How did you get out?"

"Me? You and your dragon caused enough of a ruckus that I was able to get away without a fuss. Thanks!"

I glared at him in response. "You're not welcome." I could feel Stormheart watching us, but I did not dare face her yet. Astrid came to stand by my side and crossed her arms.

Harald frowned. "I see Astrid is here. My mistake. I thought I implied Stormheart wanted to talk to you and you alone when I said 'come alone.'"

I rolled my eyes. "No, I got the message perfectly well. You just can't summon me here at will like a dog."

Harald's eyebrows lifted. "Are you mad at me?"

"Trust me, you'd know if I was mad at you, and you would be afraid." I averted my gaze to the ground and added quietly: "How can I be mad about something I should have expected?" But I hadn't expected it. I thought he protected me because he cared, but what did it mean if he deserted me when it really mattered? Bitterness seeped into my skin, and it was all I could do to hold it back.

"Alright, enough of this," Astrid said. "Let's get to the point. What do you want, Stormheart?"

"'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,'" Stormheart said. "An old saying but appropriate. The warlords will not stop until they capture every dragon in the archipelago. You must know that. Hiccup and I may never be allies, but there can be a temporary peace between us. If we stop fighting, you'll have time to protect your treasured dragons. I can focus my wrath against a foe who has dared to challenge my strength in the archipelago."

"The warlords are dangerous, but that doesn't mean that you're any less dangerous, Stormheart. There is blood between us. Harald betrayed us. He attacked our island! We're still picking up the pieces."

Heart of a Berserker: Faith (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now