Chapter 18

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"Now you think that you're the only one
Who doesn't have to try
And you won't have to fail
If you're afraid to fight
Then I guess you never will

You hide behind your walls of 'maybe nevers'
Forgetting that there's something more
Than just knowing better
Your mistakes do not define you now
They tell you who you're not
You've got to live this life you're given
Like it's the only one you've got

- "It's the Only One You've Got" by 3 Doors Down

Chapter 18

"I'm glad you're safe, Brennda," Hiccup said. I had just finished telling him, Astrid, and Eret about my meeting with Grimmel and Stormheart on Berk. "If facing Grimmel will end all this nonsense, I'm all for it! I know that Toothless and I can handle anyone in a fair fight."

"What?!" I cried in alarm. "That's what you got out of all that?"

"No," Astrid said, shaking her head. "No way. Absolutely not. Hiccup, that is not happening."

Hiccup frowned. "But isn't it better if we can spare everyone else by taking him on alone?"

"Assuming he keeps his word," I said. "Even then, there's no guarantee he can deliver. He may have been hired by the warlords, but who says they have to listen to him if he tells them to back off?"

"Great job with the meeting, by the way," Astrid said to me. "You did Berk proud." She looked at Hiccup. "There is no way we are going to risk our chieftain and the dragon alpha in a rigged fight against Grimmel. Did we all forget that Grimmel has hunted down all the other Night Furies in the world? No. We'll find another way."

"And that way is forming an alliance with Stormheart."

Hiccup stared at me. "But from what you said, it sounds like she's going to accept Grimmel's offer."

I sighed and shook my head. "You weren't listening, were you?"

Eret pat my shoulder. "Explain it to him slowly and carefully."

I took a deep breath. "Okay. When dealing with Stormheart, what she doesn't say is as important as what she does say, right? You need to read between the lines. She may have said she has no reason to oppose Grimmel if his offer is genuine, but that doesn't mean she plans to accept. If she did, why state her intentions to me openly? Maybe she didn't initially intend to betray us, but there's nothing stopping her from doing just that if the situation changes."

"That is a good point," Astrid said.

"And she has no reason to trust Grimmel. She has learned that we will play honestly and fairly, but there's no guarantee Grimmel will do the same. Besides, Harald told me Grimmel already attacked them. Remember how angry Stormheart was when Dagur and I accidentally attacked her ship? She didn't accept our offer of peace, so why would she accept Grimmel's? It's not like she's desperate to prevent a fight."

"You're right," Eret said. "That doesn't sound like her."

"I'm pretty convinced Grimmel invited us there to taunt me and prevent us from aligning with Stormheart, which is what we should not allow to happen."

"Hold on," Hiccup said. "How would Grimmel know we're thinking about aligning with Stormheart?"

"Maybe because his men told him they saw Brennda and Harald together in their camp and Harald protected Brennda when she was knocked out," Eret said.

Hiccup and Astrid gaped at him. "Harald did what?" Astrid exclaimed. She turned on me. "That's not what you and Harald said!" She paused. "Okay, I understand Harald lying, but you-"

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