Chapter 24

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"You give me faith to believe there's a way
To put the past finally behind me
And hope to make it through another night
You give me strength
During these dark times when I'm blind
You are my light when faith is hard to find

- "Hard to Find" by Skillet

Chapter 24

I woke up to find my back against Harald's chest with his arms securely around me. Happiness flooded me as I remembered the previous night. He was finally mine. I managed to turn around so I was facing him. It must have been early in the morning if I was awake before him. I lightly ran my hand across his bare chest. Then I kissed the skin I touched.

"Brennda..." Harald said hoarsely. "I'm trying to sleep."

"You're obviously failing," I teased. I brought my hand to his face and stroked his beard. Then I kissed his jaw, purposefully missing his lips.

Harald's eyes flew opened. He grabbed my wrist and flipped me, pinning me to the bed. "That's your fault, love."

I smirked. "All part of my dastardly plan."

"You're learning. Good." Harald brought his face down and kissed me. I pulled my wrist free so I could  wrap my arms round his neck and pull him to me. Moments later, he broke away and smiled at me. "I love you," he whispered in my ear before kissing the skin underneath, "so much..." He kissed my cheek. "You are everything to me." He kissed down my body, not missing anything.

"Harald..." I moaned in pleasure. Everywhere his lips touched sent fire coursing through my body, reigniting my desire for him. All I could think about was him, and all I wanted to do was get as close to him as possible. I dug my fingers into his hair and roughly pulled him to me so I could kiss him. At the same time, I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep my body close to his.

Harald smirked against my lips. "Ready for round two?"

"Please..." I started kissing his neck, stopping at the spot where he moaned loudly. "I still want you." My hands roamed his body, and I could feel his excitement. I let my legs fall to the bed, and I pushed him down to me. I clung to him and kissed everything I could reach.

"Brennda..." Harald moaned, sending a tingle of pleasure down my spine. "You're really asking for it..."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Show me how a pirate does it," I said seductively. "No need to be gentle."

Harald smirked, and soon he granted my request. He was rough this time, which I encouraged. When he was finished, I took my turn at pleasing him. I loved having the tough pirate at my mercy. When I finished, I fell onto his chest.

Harald carefully changed our position so we were on our sides and my back was against his chest. "You have no idea what you do to me," he whispered. "You are remarkable. I must be the luckiest man in the world." He kissed my shoulder. "Can you take one more?" He moved my hair back and kissed my neck.

I smiled, my heart speeding up in anticipation. Gods, I loved him. "I could keep at this all morning."

Harald chuckled in my ear. "Can't keep your hands off me, huh?"

I couldn't even deny it. "It seems I can't get enough of you."

"That goes double for me." Harald kissed the base of my neck. "I need you so badly, Brennda." His hands moved up and down my stomach as he began.

Our bodies melded together perfectly as if they belong that way. We found a rhythm where we move in sync, both desperate to please the other. We became lost in each other, and I could no longer tell where I ended and he began. The result was pure ecstasy. Harald held me to him for a long moment longer collapsing on his back.

Heart of a Berserker: Faith (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now