Chapter 10

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"I've watched you so long
Screamed your name
I don't know what else I can say

But I'll leave my window open
'Cause I'm too tired at night for all these games
Just know I'm right here hoping
That you'll come in with the rain

- "Come in With the Rain" by Taylor Swift

Chapter 10

The boy, although shaking with fear, did not hesitate when I placed him on Bolt's back. I doubted his village was friendly with dragons, but after the pirate attack, the Skrill must not have seemed so dangerous. I climbed on behind him and held him with one arm while I steered Bolt with the other.

I focused on nothing except our destination. Soon, Hobblegrunt Island came into view, and thankfully, the Tempest was nowhere to be seen. The dragon riders were waiting for us by the shore. A quick scan told me there were no serious injuries.

"There you are," Hiccup said with a smile. "I was about to send a search party." His eyes landed on the boy. "Who's this?"

"Hiccup," Viggo said in warning, "you need to tread carefully."

Hiccup's eyes locked onto mine, and I saw them widen with understanding. "What happened?"

I wanted to run away and avoid what was coming, but I had to face reality if I wanted to get through this. "The attack here was a diversion," I said in a surprisingly steady voice. "The real target was this boy's village." I carefully dismounted Bolt and helped the boy to his feet. He immediately clung to me and buried his face in my chest.

"But why did you take him with you?" Eret said.

"Why do you think?" Viggo said. "The pirates raided the village, not caring who they hurt in the process. His parents must have been caught in the crossfire. We thought it best to bring him back with us."

"Stormheart ordered an attack on an innocent village?" Astrid said in order.

"Not Stormheart," I said, my jaw tight. "This one wasn't her idea."

Viggo looked at me in worry. "You don't have to-"

"Yes, I do. They need to know." I looked right at Hiccup as I continued. "Harald was in charge of the raid. He claimed full responsibility. And he planned the diversion because he wanted me to find him. He wanted me to witness what he had done."

"But why?" Hiccup said.

"To teach me a lesson." I looked down at the boy. "He threatened to kill him if I need not leave him alone."

"That's-" Astrid started to say. "That's beyond what I thought even even would do."

I sucked in a sharp breath. "I guess we all learned something today. We need to get him somewhere safe." I gently prodded the boy and brought him to Hiccup.

"Of course," Hiccup said. He knelt down and placed his hands on the boy's shoulder. "It's going to be alright now. We will take care of you."

"I'll return to Berk and find someone who-"

"Brennda, no," Viggo said. "You need to rest."

I shook my head. "I can't! I need to do something. If I slow down, I'll - I'll lose it." My breathing quickened and tears formed in my eyes.

"That is precisely what you need. You cannot run from your emotions. I'll help you." I did not resist as Viggo moved closer to me. He nodded at Hiccup. "Go. I'll make sure she deals with this properly."

"Thank you," Hiccup said. He ushered everyone else away, and soon Viggo and I were alone.

"It's alright," Viggo said gently, his hand on my back. "You can let it out."

Heart of a Berserker: Faith (School of Dragons)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt