C H A P T E R 3

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As I stare out the window, thinking about how the party will be and wondering whether the food will be good? Cause man, I am starving. Anyways, the ride was kinda weird because Horry and Ahmed were barely talking. There is some tension in the car and I can't quite put my finger on it yet but well, whatever. 

Ahmed, driving like a maniac finally pulls up at Horry's place. 

"It was such a pleasure to meet you Bee, Let's hang out later on campus if we get a chance. XX" exclaimed Horry. 

"Sure, ..... I'd Love to....." I replied hesitantly, because honestly I don't know this dude but whatever. 

"Text me later bro" said Ahmed as he put the car in drive and stormed off. 

It's been a while since I've talked to Ahmed, even though we are cousins he always gave off a weird vibe. But I thought maybe I should to get to know him now since we are in the same college and my new friends are in love with him. 

"So, how's life been?" I asked in an attempt to start a conversation. 

"Same old, same old. You know how it is, Laila" he replied.

"Yea, college is definitely hard. Remember when we were kids we use to be so close and then I guess life happened and we drifted apart" I said nostalgically. 

"OMG, yea I remember we would tell each other everything! Honestly, I miss that Laila. Its been a while since I've been able to open up to someone like that since... well you" he explained.

"Aww Ahmed, well we should definitely work on that then. We can be close like we use to be and I would love that too! But BTW you can tell me anything anytime. I'm here for you, Always" I said as I reached for his hand as assurance.  

This whole conversation was happening and I didn't even realize that we had arrived to the MSA event. As I went in, I saw how wild this party was. There was loud music, people dressed like they were going to a wedding and I even spotted my friends I made in class earlier this week. 

I was right in the doorway, taking in all that I was seeing and what college has to offer. All of the sudden, I felt something. 

Someone was grabbing my hand, that someone.. was Ahmed. 

His hand wrapped around mine, I felt his cold fingers as they locked with mine and he leaned in close, close to my ear. 

The music and the people faded out and Everything in me was heighten. I could hear his breath as he was leaning in. 

"Theres something I need to tell you" he whispered

my heart started beating louder and i started to get nervous. what does he mean? I'm freaking out rIGHT nOW. 



"Horry is my boyfriend" he revealed. 

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