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"Ah, nice to meet you...Mr.Park." Jimin nods and the manager smiled again as he stepped on the pedal and drove off to a certain destination.

The view of the scenery outside the car was beautiful, a bunch of trees whom have leaves that shines a bright and vibrant yellow, surrounding them while the car moves.

Sometimes Jimin wonders, how life would be if his parents decided to not move to France and stayed put in their motherland. Life would definitely flip a whole 180°.

He will not have a chance to become a pro-gamer, let alone meet his lifelong bros. Maybe he would have a cute girlfriend if he stayed in Korea, after all, he is quite fine-looking himself.

He is quite famous among the people in and out of his age in his school, even after he quits school.

Girls still tries to shoot their chance when they had it. Trying to make Jimin remember them by saying that they were in the same class as him before he quits school, acting like they were close friends even when the relationship between Jimin and them were only schoolmates.

Anyways, to simply put it, his life will be plain and simple if he lived here. Just like everyone and mostly anyone, he will just live of life with just having a partner to spend everyday with, having a job and a happy family.

Peaceful and free, but instead of that, he choose this path, being a worldwide famous pro gamer with a huge following behide his back. Dropped out of school due to a mad and busy schedule and became one of the icon in France. It is kind of tiring but he needs to live his life at the fullest.

The world gave everyone a chance and he is one of those people who took it, and here he is, a boy who is as rich as any CEOs out there.

"Hahh..."he sighs and smiles. He himself is glad that he took that opportunity, if not, he'd probably be in school with his text book open by now.

An hour later

"We are here." Mr Lee turned off the engine and unlocked the door for the two boys at the back to get down.

The door automatically opens from both sides, having the two boys came down while having some oddly stylish shades on that Taehyung suggested to wear.

The sun is bright, but the weather was not. Causing them to have some fog in their glasses. The both of them didn't care anyways, and still continued having them on.

"Where are we?" Taehyung dared to ask. Mr. Lee just smiled and laughed, "It's your hometown, Taehyung."

He finnaly took of his overly huge sunglasses off his pretty face and took a clearer look at his so called 'hometown'.He didn't expect it to be that....different from before. Its only been like.... 3 years since his last visit and so much has changed??

This is not right. This must be wrong. Taehyung must just have sent the wrong location for Mr.Lee. Ah, that must be it.

"Mr.Lee, may I have a look on that address I have given you last week?" Taehyung handed out his hand and took his manager's phone with his permission.

"Ah, this is the wrong address, this address is my hometown" he swips up and points to something on the phone's screen and switched to pointing at the so called 'hometown' that is in front of their eyes, "and this is the restaurant that I want you to bring me to tommorow..." Mr.Lee looked like his life just flashed in front of his eyes.

"AH! I deeply apologise for my mistake..." Mr.Lee hops into the driver's seat and is still sorry about the mistake he just did. Taehyung just laughed it off and dragged Jimin back into the car.

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