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"That's right." the person on the other side of the phone was none other than the childhood friend of both Yoongi and Yoonji....,Taehyung.

It's been a while since Taehyung last contacted them. The reason of that is because of the idol's mad schedule that is packed full 24/7. The last time the star talked to them was through a phone call a few weeks ago.

So of course, the 18 year old farmer and his sister were shooked at the second thing that the star said.

"I'm just a few minutes away from coming back home! I'll be coming to the farm to check on the both of you soon~" Yoongi let out a loud gasp to the sudden notice of his friend coming back. It had been years, 3 years to be precise.

It had been so long, even the both of the siblings had stopped expecting Taehyung to come back anytime sooner. Until today, the unexpected became reality.

Yoongi was happy, of course, to hear that his best bro is coming back to their small village once again. Well, beat that, he was ready to throw a welcome party for Taehyung once the idol reaches the village. Both of the siblings were a little angry at the idol for not telling them this sooner, but this really wasn't the point right now.

"I've brought lots of souvenirs from Paris for everyone! I even got the chocolates you both loved so much about." Taehyung beamed at the phone, hinting a kind of disgusted at the last sentence. Those chocolates were just...really not his type of chocolates.

"You gonna try some of them soon, trust me." Yoongi chuckles while Yoonji just rolls her eyes playfully.

"It's time for you to become a big boy now! Don't be picky, kayy." she teased, laughing after it. Taehyung in the other line, was just nodding and mouthing her lines repeatingly, trying to make Jimin impressed with his acting skills. Which, made Jimin mentally cringed.

"You act like a mother, you know that?" they all laughed while the pro-gamer sat there with his hand on his chin, waiting for this 'phonecall' to end so he didn't have to feel awkward.

"Hey, I got something to share with you guys. Do you know? When I'm in the airport earlier, I saw someone who looks exactly like that pro-gamer named 'Seagull'. You know, that one that Yoonji likes so much." The idol and the siblings continued to converse excitingly while having Jimin sit there with his ears sharp.

This guy, he..doesn't know that the guy from the airport is exactly the same guy who is the pro-game named 'Seagull', does he....

Blinking and still listening to the conversation, looking into Taehyung's glowing eyes. It seems like it's glowing  in interest , you know?

Chuckling lowly at the idol's obliviousness as he closed his eye lids once again. Well, he'd like to listen to more of it but unfortunately, his patience is on the line. He can't bare just sitting here stilly.

"Hey, you done yet?" Jimin finnaly gave in and asked, voice bored but desperately waiting for the answer that he'd hoped for.

Taehyung and the other two paused for a while. Having the idol to focus towards the professional with a little visible look of him being flustered, probably because of him not noticing that he had been talking very long on the phone.

"Ah, yes. Give me a moment-"

"That doesn't sound like your manager, Taehyung." Yoonji's voice came out of his phone.

"Well, maybe that that's not his manager, dumbass." the male voice said, laughing after that.

Taehyung laughed with them too, looking at Jimin, insisting that he should introduce himself to them, himself. Of course, Jimin denied immediately. He wasn't going to talk to strangers who he just knew of through a phone call of someone else's.

"Come on, don't be shy." Taehyung shoved his phone towards him, giving him a charming smile that maybe worked on him to do the following things.

"Tsk, fine." Jimin grabbed the phone and placed his lips near the speaker. He was hesitant at first but quickly gave in after a few encouraging words from the idol beside him.

"My name's Jimin. Park Jimin. Nice to..meet you, I guess?.."

In Yoongi's house

"MOM, DAD!" screamed Yoonji once she opened the door loudy, having her two younger relatives to enter the house while playing around with damped hair. Yoongi following behide her with sweat dripping down his forehead, obvious that they had ran here as fast as they could.

"What is it?" the sibling's mother walked out of the kitchen, welcoming the four of them.

"Taehyung's coming back today." Yoongi said with excitement, excited for the story sharing section between the three of them later on as Yoonji continues with a much more louder tone.

"AND he brought a famous guest over! A France National pro frickin gamer!" the mother reacted at the guest part but didn't quite understand the rest of i the sentence.

"A guest!? Taehyung?! Why didn't you two tell me about this earlier?! I would have prepared a party or some sort of-" Yoongi stopped his mother with a hand.

"Mom, let's throw the biggest party that have ever made in this village." eyes sparkling, smile forming as he looks towards his mother.

She smiled too. Nodding her head and the rest was history.

In the car

"I didn't know that people outside of France would even know my name." bewildered and happy from being recognised, he didn't know that the idol beside him was also staring at him.

"A pro-gamer? You? Why-you didn't tell me that earlier?" Taehyung pointed at Jimin, eyebrow raised and face clearly wanting Jimin to explain everything to him this instance.

"You didn't ask." Jimin simply replied, shrugging his shoulders and looked back at the idol.

"HAHAHAHAHA, you should see your face right now. It's so frickin funny." Taehyung rolled his eyes, letting out a blow to get his bangs out of his sight.

"That is not cute at all." Taehyung argued back earning a nudge on the hand.

"I am not a cute type of person, I am fab." Taehyung cringed mentally and psychically. Jimin noticed it immediately and gave the idol a friendly loud smack on the back afterwards.

"Anyways, did you know? That Seagull you were talking about just now was actually-" Taehyung blushed in embarrassment, stopping the other with his palm.

"Stop, I already know where this is going. If you keep going, I will probably regret ever showing my face to society ever again." The idol said, eyes looking away with teeth gritted. He didnt wanted to admit it, but Taehyung is a little, only a little interested on the gamer.

Listening to Yoonji talk about this one pro gamer group from France which contains lots of attractive men inside surely pipes up the idol's interest. But there was one particular guy who stood out the most in Taehyung's eyes, both in gaming style and attractiveness.

But remember, just a little interested. Noting much, okay?

Jimin smirked, playfully poking on the idol's nerves. Having the man to have no choice but to just sit through the whole ass ride and refusing to have any kind of eye contact with the gamer beside of him.

In Taehyung's head, its just a little embarrasing to tease someone he considered having respect for. Very embarrassing.

Decided to update after a few months in the middle of the night.

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