Question 1

121 4 13

DaneSepticeye5 asks 'do all of you hang out together and if so what do you guys do. Also can I hug JJ and Marvin as they are my favourite egos?'

Marvin + JJ: sure *trapped Dane in a group hug*

Schneep: ve don't hang out, ve live together since Jack and Mark didn't want us revealing our existants to regular people so vey vought vat doing vis will make it easier to keep us out of trouble, ven Diana just turned up for some reason

Chase: but when we all force eachother to hang out in the house we useally play video games, watch movies and do truth or dare, which is useally the end for us all

Anti: that's cause you dare Dark and I to do such stupid things we end up trying to kill you in rage

Jackie: that's why we got Diana to make this book since it allows us to basically do truth or dare but in a way that didn't end up killing the asker or the darer

Wilford: and love your asks and dares *grins* so come at us with your most juicy ones

Diana: NO I know what you're getting at and we aren't having smut here!

Wilford: awh

Ask and Dare Septiceyes and IpliersWhere stories live. Discover now