Dare 9

103 3 47

@Black_Raven277 dares Anti and Dark to compare Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplstien.

Anti: well let's start with the obvious they're both doctors

Dark: both secretly savatage their patients

Schneep: EXCUSE YOU!

Dr. Iplier: I'm sorry you're dead *pulls out knife*

Dark: like I said *teleports away*

Dr. Iplier: get back here!

Anti: Dark don't leave me here alone with these crazy doctors!

Diana: alone? Bitch what am I a roach?!

Anti: maybe

Diana: well fuck you

Anti: you would

Diana: *blushes mumbling* asshole

Schneep: we still need to kill Dark

Dr. Iplier: agreed

Diana: you know you're just confirming what he said right?

Schneep: shut it!

Diana: *rolls eyes*

*from Dark's void*

Dark: also they both have small dicks, and both can't expect critism.

Anti: *teleports to Dark's void* thanks for leaving me alone back there

Dark: you had Diana you weren't alone

Anti: true

Dark: wait you left Diana alone with those 2 crazy doctors?!

Anti: oh shit!

*both teleports back*

*Diana is there giving a strict lecture to Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplstien*

Diana: do I make myself clear?!

Dr. Iplier + Schneep: *nods looking terrified running off*

Diana: good *turns seeing Dark and Anti* ah you 2 are back

Dark: yes we are, but now I leave *walks off to his room*

Diana: ok dare complete *walks off*

Anti: *stares after Diana* damn

Ask and Dare Septiceyes and IpliersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt