4. Other Kind Of Torture

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»»——Toby's⍟Perspective——««I woke up in a strange, big room

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I woke up in a strange, big room. The walls were painted in a yellowish-white color and some of them have blood stains. Next to the bed I was in, there were two more beds similar to mine. Near each bed was a small table and in the far corner was a desk with a leptop and a lots of paper on it. I got out of the bed feeling a strong pressure on me but, I didn't pay attention to it.

I'm trying to figure out where I am but I can't because the place was new to me. I look at the laptop that was on the desk. The background image was a black and in the middle of it a white circle with an x. I saw that sign somewhere else! It was the Proxy sign! But why didn't I get it yet? Maybe I'm not really a proxy. I hear the door open and turn to see who it is. It was Masky...

"Hi, Toby, SlenderMan said you have to go into the woods.....by yourself."

"Hm? W-w-why?" I asked a little curious.

"He didn't tell me why.. If I were you, I'd rush to the forest. "Masky had said before leaving in a hurry. I looked out the window at the forest that surrounded the whole mansion.At least, this life is better than the one I had before. I walk out of the room and go down the stairs that were creaking. I look back before leaving through the dense forest. The sun was just setting as I was lost in the woods. I didn't even know where to go but I followed my instinct. I felt SlenderMan teleporting behind me. He had put his hand on my shoulder, I was twitching and turning quickly.

"Don't be afraid," he said, then continued:"Blow your sleeves ..."

I did as he told me, shaking. He pulled a black tentacle from his back and with it he makes the proxy mark on my wrist.

"D-d-does that mean I'm a p-proxy n-n-now ?!" I said with a smile.

"Yes, my child." He answered me but behind us were the police sirens. He quickly teleported me in front of the mansion without me being able to do anything else. I was looking at my wrist with the black mark on it.I just wanted to get into the mansion but someone had come quickly to me and hit my head hard. I started to see blur and everything was light gray, then it turned red ending in black.

When I woke up I was in a chair tied to my hands and feet. What happened at least? I thought it wouldn't be so bad because I didn't feel the pain. I'm trying to get my hands out of the rope grip. I couldn't do anything, it was too tight on my wrists. I stop when I hear a laugh coming from nearby. It was Jeff ... What he has with me? .. I look at him nervously and try to swear at him but something stops the sound. I growled at him instead. He had taken one of the knives he had and slowly lifted my hoodie. I try to make him to stop but he slips his knife into my abdomen. It didn't hurt but it would have consequences after .. Plus the pressure and the blood that was flowing .. everything would be just bad even without pain. He had left me alone after a few minutes.

"You don't feel pain, do you?" He had asked me grinning.
"Then what about other kind of pain? How did you say was you're sister name?"

Not this! Anything but this ... I try to shout as loud as I can, everything comes out as a grumble difficult to discern.

"Lyra was your sister? Anyway, look at you, no one would want to be you're sibling. You're weak, ugly and your tics are annoying. You're annoying. You don't deserve to live either. I think Lyra killed herself rather than die! "

Jeff stop! Please, just don't ... Shut up! Leave me alone, you do not know what happened !! I just want you to shut up and say nothing! Please, I beg you, shut up! You better never say that again, you haven't been there. You don't even know what that real pain is! Shut up, just say nothing ... I scream in my mind trying to hold back my tears but they soon corrupt me. I cry trying to shout, the only things that are heard are the voices in my head

"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"

Stop! Please... Please... Just, shut up... And... Leave me alone... Is my fault... Is my fault just please don't say anything about my sister.. Please...

(I literally cry at this, sorry but it's really kinda sad..)

Even before I passed out, I saw Ben hitting Jeff, Ben had tears in his eyes and he was breathing heavily. He came to me and refrained from crying he said :

"Toby ... Toby I'm sorry for everything Jeff did to you, because I didn't defend you or because I didn't play with you anymore. I'm sorry ..." And then everything blacked out.

I woke up in the same bed as earlier, in the proxy's room. Masky and Ben were sitting on the edge of my bed talking about my chances of survival. Jeff did something really bad, I lost a lot of blood and everything he said about my sister hit me pretty hard. I felt the bandages on me, it was not a pleasant feeling at all. It bothers me. I'm about to break the bandages when Masky notices I'm awake.

"Don't you dare, Tobs." Masky says taking my hand from that area.

"Hey, are you okay? Feeling something?" Ben asks me gladly. I mumbled something as I turned to the wall.

"Tobs ... Talk!" Says Masky trying to turn my to him. I mumble an oath and close my eyes nervously.

"Hey Masky, how about you and I to make waffles?" Ben says, smiling at Masky.

"Yes, Ben, that's a good idea! And we can fill them with chocolate" I open my eyes quickly and get out of bed.

"I want !" I say and get out the room when Masky stops me. What is it now? Don't take off your bandages. Don't make waffle. Don't that. Don't this. Don't . What should I do then?

"Toby, you need to rest .. Please. Me and Ben will do the waffles as long as you relax, okay?"

"Ok .." I say sitting on the bed and rolling my eyes. However, the waffles don't sound bad ... especially if you fill them with chocolate or maple syrup .. Yummy, it sounds delicious.I lie on the bed closing my eyes, hearing the door closing. I wasn't sleepy .... just that I have to wait for the waffles and Masky said I need to rest and relax .. Without wanting I feel like I slowly fall asleep.

"Tobs. Wake up, the waffles are ready." I hear a voice but I prefer to ignore it with my eyes closed. A pleasant smell makes me open my eyes to see a plate full of waffles, some with maple syrup, some with white chocolate and one with strawberry jam. I took the plate in my arms and started to taste each one. They were perfectly prepared, slightly crunchy at the edges and soft in the middle. The chocolate, syrup and jam had a very sweet taste perfect for this bad day. I smiled as I ate the last waffle. Masky and Ben looked at me happily.

"T-hanks guys... T-t-that's really he-helpful " They hugged me and I felt my cheeks hot and red... I'm blushing...?  It's seems like no one noticed that... I like someone? But who? And why?

(。>﹏<。) It's look so good and delicious (♥ω♥) (I think this one is a short chapter because sad things and waffles , anyway, bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ ) 

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(。>﹏<。) It's look so good and delicious (♥ω♥)
(I think this one is a short chapter because sad things and waffles , anyway, bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ ) 

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