I'm Sorry (Barry)

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Barry knocks on her door, knowing he has to come clean. Y/N is the most important person to him, but being with her is not fair to her. He doesn't love her as he thought. He wanted to love her, but he just doesn't. He wanted to get over his ex but he couldn't. He's tried to see himself with Y/N but he just can't hold on to the image like he could with Sally. 

She opens the door and smiles at him. That beautiful smile. He doesn't hate her, he just doesn't love her as he should. Like she deserves to be loved. 

"Hey, Barry!" She says, hugging him. She's making this a lot harder than he had expected. Her warm embrace around his body kills him because she doesn't deserve this. 

"Hey, Y/N. Can we talk?" He asks her and she pulls away. She looks confused and scared, almost knowing what this is. They've been together for 3 months and his mind keeps going back to Sally. It's been a year since she said they should break up. She moved away, he met Y/N and three months ago he asked her out. Now, Sally is back and he keeps wanting to have what he had again. He wants what he and Y/N have, but with Sally. He thinks this is selfish, but he finds it much better than cheating, lying, and hurting Y/N more than he needs to. 

They walk into Y/N's home and sit at her dining room table. She looks at him, hoping for the worse to not be true. He can tell, he's seen that look in someone's eyes before. He's had that look in his eyes. 

"Look, Y/N," He says, not knowing how to do this. He practiced but now he can't remember how to put it. "I love being with you, and you know that I care about you. So, I'm doing and saying this with all of the love I have for you." He pauses and she's starting to catch on, realizing that hoping for the best was foolish. She exhales and lowers her head, looking at her painted fingertips. 

"You're breaking things off." She says, knowing that as a fact. He sighs and nods, not wanting to see her hurt. "God, I love you Barry and knowing I don't make you happy enough kills me, because you deserve the best. You deserve someone who makes you happy. Who you enjoy seeing and not regretting being with them." She says, a single tear running down her cheek. His heart breaks at the sight. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N. You also deserve the best. Love is something that you, of all people, deserve because you have so much of it in your heart." 

She smiles and nods once. Looking at him, she closes her eyes and inhales, trying to keep from crying. He hugs her and she holds him tightly. She doesn't want to let go, because letting go means that this is real.

"Go be with her. Go be happy." She whispers in his ear, voice cracking, threatening the tears to fall even more. She lets go first and look at him, putting a hand on his cheek. She leans in closer and places a kiss on my forehead. A tear lands on him and she pulls away, smiles once, and she walks away into her bedroom. He hangs my head, knowing that he just hurt her. He's hurt a lot of people, but this is the most painful because it's Y/N. His Y/N who loves to drink tea. Loves to write loves the rain, and loves him. 

He pulls his phone out of his pocket as he closes her front door. He calls Sally and asks if she can meet him somewhere. She knew about Y/N and she doesn't have any bitterness toward her. In fact, she felt guilty and didn't want him to break things off, but he knew that he couldn't be with Y/N while his heart yearned for another. 

Y/N lies in her bed, holding a pillow and tears stream down her face and onto her blanket. She sobs, knowing Barry just left her. She loves him and might continue loving him even while he loves another. The fact that she couldn't be enough kills her because she's never been loved by anyone before. They all figure out at some point or another that they don't love her. 

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