Someone Caught Your Eye

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Y/C/H = your color hair  Y/C/E = your color eyes

Bill's P.O.V

I hate working here. It's not all that bad, I just hate the performing live part. It's so nerve-racking and I always feel like I'm going to fuck it up. Thank God I have my best friend though who goes through the same thing. I mean, he doesn't go through it as much as I do, but he still does. 

"Hey, Bill? Wanna grab some lunch?" I hear John ask. I look up at him and nod, needing to eat. We walk out of the building and down the street. 

"What sounds good?" He asks. I look around and my eyes land on a pizza place. We work in New York, you expect us not to go to a pizza place?

"That pizza place will do." He nods and we walk over. 

"So, I was thinking about the Stefon sketch. I know we've been talking about it for a while, but I think we should bring it to life." He says as we sit down at a booth.

"Yeah. But, how are they going to react? We've performed to total silence before." I say, but before he can speak, the waitress walks up. 

"Hi, there! Can I get you guys anything to drink?" She asks. I get water and John gets a lemonade. She walks away and we just look at the menu. I look up, going to talk to John, but this girl with Y/C/H catches my eye. Wow, she's gorgeous. She's not a typical hot girl though and she's not even doing something spectacular too. She's writing something down in a notebook while eating a pizza. She'll occasionally tap her black pen against the wooden table in thought, then go back to writing. She sits back, a smile on her face and she sighs. She closes the 5 subject notebook and continues eating her pizza. 

"Bill!" I hear John. I look up and his eyebrows are raised. "I've been calling you for a while. What the hell are you looking at?" He turns around and sees her. He turns around and gives me a small smile. 

"No." He says, chuckling. I shake my head, shocked and confused. 

"What?" I ask him. 

"You already know you won't talk to her, might as well not even look and pine." He says, chuckling, sipping his lemonade. I shake my head and sigh, looking at the polished wooden table. 

"I could talk to her," I say quietly. John snorts at me. 

"Yeah right, Bill." He says. I look at him, raise my eyebrows, and get up. I walk over to her, regretting doing this, but knowing I need to talk to her. 

"Hi," I say. She looks at me and smiles. 

"Hello." She says. Not in a weird tone too that I tend to get from women. She motions I sit down. I'm a little shocked, but I still sit across from her. 

"What are you writing?" I ask her. She smiles and looks at her notebook, then looks at me with her Y/C/H eyes. 

"My first novel." She says and hands me her notebook. I open it and I'm immediately hooked. She stands up, puts money on the table, and walks away.

"Wait! What about your book?" I ask her, standing up. 

"Oh, right. Just meet me here tomorrow and give it to me." She says. She smiles at me and walks out. I walk back over to John and exhale in a bewildered way. His eyebrows are raised and he has a smile on his face. 

"I think I have a lunch date tomorrow," I say and he nods. 

"I'm impressed, Hader. So impressed that I'm not offended you're going to lunch with someone else." He says. I look at the notebook and open it to the cover page with her name on it. 

"Y/N Y/L/N. What a beautiful name. She's a writer." I tell John, not looking up. 

"I got that when she said it's her first novel." He chuckles and takes a bite of pizza. I read the first chapter and I close it, not wanting to get completely submerged in the story.

"Looks like someone caught your eye." I nod and eat my pizza. While John and I talk, I still think of her. She did catch my eye and I'm ready to find out more about her.

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