Chapter 15

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"Shadow?" You looked around... 'Hmm' "I thought that would work for sure.." "Mistress?" You turn around. "Holy shit, shadow!" He's a lot larger than pumpkin he looks around 5'9 he nuzzled against you. "It's been so long since you summoned me..." You pet him.
"Well i'm gonna call on you a lot more from now on!" He sat next to your seat. "Good!"
You hear footstep and lots of them. You also hear running from down the stairs. "What is that sound?!" You giggle "It's just the kids." He looks at you with a questioning look...
"Pumpkin will fill you in when he gets his rest!" He nodded bowser jr is the first one to run in. "I HEARD THERE WAS FOOD!" "Loud!" You already warned them of your sensitive hearing. He scratched the back of his head "Oh yeah sorry heh heh" You smiled "Yeah jr Shut Up!" Roy interjected "Roy be nice!" You warned "Aw come on winner I was only joke'n" You didn't know why but his accent always made winter sound like winner but you never corrected him. "Its not 'winner' dummy it's Winter!" Roy turned to Wendy "Aye get off my back sis I said how I said it!" you decided to jump in. "And I'll Say It Again For The People In The Back" Roy high-fived you and laughed everyone else sat down at the table. "Wow Winter did you make all this?" Larry asked "Of course she did cheatsy who else would of made it!" Ludwig said "Ludwig don't start!" You sighed "Yes I did make most of it but I had help from the shy guys and Pumpkin!" Larry looked amazed "Whoa!" You smiled at the blue hair koopa. "Okay! Everyone eat up before it gets cold!" They all said Thank You. 'Awe there all so adorable!'

You started to make your plate until you felt a presence behind you. Shadow growled...
"Down Shadow!" He looks at you and walks away. "Bowser I can feel you behind me you ain't slick!" Everyone looked behind you and they all greeted their father. "You want to tell me your explanation for last night!" you smirked 'I knew this was coming...' "Sit down." You said nonchalantly. Now he would of refused but his kids agreed with me. "Yeah dad sit down and eat this stuff is so good!" "You should really try the meat!" "Oh yeah but the muffins are the best!" "So are the pancakes!" All remarks from his children. You cross your legs and flash him your signature smile... "Well?" He crossed his arms "Fine" He sat across from you and you had sat back in your chair and watched how this morning would play out. You took a sip from your smoothie you knew he was staring at you. 'I wonder if he notices the key that's hanging from my neck.' You ate some eggs. "So?" He spoke up you looked back at him.
"So?" You copied him. The koopalings were having there own conversation and wasn't paying attention to us. "Are you going to answer my question?!" You sat back in your chair. "I'm sorry what was your question again?" You made a thinking face just to be a little more sarcastic. You knew that he knew that you were just playing dumb but he didn't why which made him even more ticked off .

"How did you get in!" "Window." "Why did you do it!" "Why did you lock me in my room?!" Now things were getting serious thankfully the kids didn't noticed if they did Winter and Bowser would have to take this conversation outside. But you both kept your voices down and calm. He looked shocked at your remark. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?" You crossed your arms. Now you were ticked off! "That does explain why you broke in!" You made a face. "Its not breaking in if I live here now is it?" You can see a little smoke leaking out of his mouth. "Why. Were. You. There!" "I woke up need to leave to go to the bathroom then I realized someone of particular interest locked the door so I flew out the window. I knew you had the key so I let myself in grabbed the key and almost left in peace but no! You just had to shut the door and scare the 'crap' out of me!" You mouth crap instead of saying out loud.
"So since you startled me I left out the window and went into another room and prayed the key worked it did then I took a bath The End!"

You put your arms on the table and wait for his response he just stares at you but you don't make any remarks you just rest your chin in your hand and stare back. 'I wonder what he's thinking about probably how to get rid of me.' He stands up out of his seat. "The food was good!" As he's about to walk out of the dinning room you say one final thing out loud to him. "THANKS I MADE IT!" He stops and looks back to you. "You! Made that?" He points at his clean plate that used to contain food. "Well Yes most of it!" The room grew silent. "Thanks..." Was all he said as he walked out the dinning room. 'Your welcome' everyone has finish there plates of food and left the dinner table. "Alright everyone ready to go?" They all said yeah with excitement. You grab your backpack and walk into the living room shadow and the kids follow the guards open the main doors for us. "Thank you koopa troopas!" They nod and wave at us goodbye you wave back we all walk down the stairs. "So where are we going?" Lemmy ask "Yeah! Is it somewhere fun?" Iggy ask "Hip hop trust me were all gonna have fun." Everyone cheers yay! "Mistress I can get us to the destination faster than walking" You become iffy. "I don't know...Is it safe for kids?" He looks at them and back at you. "Yes!" "Alright if you say so." You summon pumpkin. "Hello mistress..." He looks around and sees shadow they both look at each other for a moment then tackle each other. "Hey bro where have you've been!" They greet each other after being separated of who knows how long. You turn to the kids. "Okay we're going to be spilt into two groups one is gonna go with shadow the other with go with pumpkin!" They straightened up after hearing there names being called. "Okay team one has four partners and so does team two!" Iggy and lemmy were partners and wanted Roy and Wendy on there team and bowser jr had Morton ludwig and larry on his team.

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