Chapter 33

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You were cleaning the castle windows since they needed a nice buff. You enjoyed cleaning it cleared your head you weren't watching the kids today because they went with 'uncle boo' for the weekend. You were almost finished with that last window but you felt a pair of eye on you. You already knew who it was but you kept your eyes on the window."Well does the big bad king feel like being a big bad perv?" Of course you were just teasing him that was your specialty. He made a grunting noise so he was either irrataed or just wanted your attention. "Hurry up and finish." You stopped everything and looked over your shoulder "why?" Was all you said you knew he wanted something you just didn't know what...
'Maybe he found out that you have been saving the toad village's? Or maybe he had a new mission for me? Hmm..'

You walked to Bowsers office the koopa guards opened the doors for you and you had thanked them like always. You seen him rustling through papers and books were everywhere! "You called" You got this attention "You answered" He replied. You sat down across from his desk "You seen tired." He sighed "I'm always tired." You made a 'hmm' sound "So got any plans?" He straighten up and passed you a yellow folder "What's this?" You never filed his paper work before...
'so why is he giving this to me?' You looked at him for a brief moment. "Read it." Was all he said you read the contents inside the folder and your back started to sweat... "Winter!" You quickly pop your head out of the folder "yes.." He stood up from his seat "Why am I getting reports of my servants helping other civilians!" You didn't respond how could you even? You knew you were responsible but you were so unease on what his thoughts were in this matter.

"I was fine when you told me you unknowingly save Princess Daisy from two low life thugs. You needed a female role model in your life so I never thought twice about it. I was fine when she introduced you to Princess Rosalina. I was even fine with them coming to the castle to see you on your days off. They even proposed a peace treaty!" You couldn't make eye contact your palms we're way to sweaty. "But now, Now I hear that one of my servants had RECUSED toad villages AND had SAVED the life of the Prince of the lake kingdom!"





"WAIT WAIT WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE! I have done no such thing! Yeah I mean I may have saved a few toads when i'm passing by villages BUT! I don't know anything about some lake prince!?" He looked pissed and kept pacing "It's too late now whatever you did cause him to summon us to his kingdom." He placed down a fancy scroll like letter you unrolled the scroll and it reads : Greetings to all who inhabit the koopa kingdom! You have done us a great service by having your mighty knight risk her life to save our young master. We know you have a troubled history... But we are willing to look past that and have asked you to summon your brave knight to our kingdom for a detail tour of our castle then later on have a celebration in her honor! - Sincerely the Lake Kingdom   

You finished reading it and looked at him dumbfounded "I have no idea what their talking about I've never even heard of this Lake Kingdom" He sat back down "It doesn't matter they want to see you and now YOU are going to represent all of US!" He sighs and keeps sorting through different papers. "When?" You ask "Tomorrow." "What time?" "7:40pm."  "Why do they want me so late at night?" He gives you a 'How should I know' look. You try to remember all the people you saved over the months you worked here and pick out who could be the potential 'prince'.... But you come up with nothing you could think of who that could be! Bowser snaps you out of your thoughts "Get Prepared!" "Yeah alright..." He looks back at his papers "You don't want to do something today?" You ask to try to get him out of this grumpy mood. "No." "Well how abou-" "No!" You could take a hint he obviously didn't want to be bothered but it only pissed you off... "Fine." You stood up and left but before you walked out the door you said "Have Fun!" Of course it was sarcastic since sarcasm was your thing but walking away from him didn't make you feel any better.

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