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Lydia tried to pry open the copy of the Handbook for the Recently Deceased laying in her lap to no avail. She grunted, slamming the book down as hard as she could on the attic floor, standing up and exiting the attic of the house, heading downstairs to the kitchen. She'd go back to trying to read through the Handbook later...when both Adam and Barbara returned.

She wasn't even a few steps down the stairs when she heard a loud thump followed by a series of grunts. Wondering if that was Adam and Barbara returning, Lydia turned and made her way back up towards the attic. She slowly and carefully pushed the attic door open and entered.

"Adam? Barbara?" She shouted. "Was that you guys?"

Lydia heard a faint "yeah" and smiled, making her way over towards her surrogate ghost parents. She stopped short upon seeing Betelgeuse, a small smile creeping across her face. She ran forwards and embraced her best friend in a rather tight hug, which he accepted.

"It's been forever since I last saw you, Beej," Lydia cried happily.

"Relax, Scarecrow." Betelgeuse put Lydia back down on the ground as soon as the latter let go of him. "It's been a few weeks. Have you forgotten us playing with that flame thrower?"

"No," Lydia said with a laugh.

"Us tricking Barbara into summoning me by having her identify the star that is my namesake for you?"

"No," Lydia repeated.

"The time we played with those toy swords?"


"The time we rode those sleds down the stairs?"


"That one time we were messing around and I held you upside down?"


"The time we were outside and throwing mud at one another."


"What about the one time you refused to go to sleep and instead wanted me to help you pull pranks on both sets of your parents?"


"How about that time I accidentally lashed out at you and ended up turning the Maitlands into toddlers?"

"No." Lydia reached her arms out, hugging Betelgeuse again. "Why would I ever forget any of that." Lydia smiled as all the memories that she shared with Betelgeuse ran through her mind.

From the two of them playing around with that flame thrower that Lydia found much to the Maitlands' chagrin to Betelgeuse accidentally lashing out at Lydia and accidentally turning the two ghosts into toddler versions of themselves, the teen knew she was never going to forget Betelgeuse was her best demon friend. Even if he was dead.

"Excuse me," Adam spoke up softly, causing Lydia and Betelgeuse to turn around and look in the male ghost's general direction. "Babs and I are still trying to forget that we were accidentally turned into toddlers by you. Thank you very much."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lydia said in an apparent teasing tone of voice. "Were you trying to forget how much trouble you caused Betelgeuse and I when that happened?"

"LYDIA VERONICA JOYCE DEETZ!!!" Adam shouted, placing his hands on his hips.


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