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"How to give humans ghost powers," Delia read out loud, turning and nervously eyeing Charles, Adam, and Barbara. "You don't think?"

"Well." Adam bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck. "She did read that particular poem right as Betelgeuse entered the room so maybe reading it gave Lydia Betelgeuse's powers on accident?"

"There's only one way to be sure," Barbara said, turning to face Betelgeuse. "Hey, Betelgeuse?"

"Yeah." The aforementioned demon shakily stood up, making his way over towards Barbara.

"Do you still have your powers?"

"Yeah...I think so..." Betelgeuse grew confused, cocking his head to the side. "Why ask?" The Deetzes and the Maitlands all stepped aside and pointed at a now exceptionally curious, floating Lydia. Betelgeuse's eyes widened in surprise. Not only was Lydia obsessed with having ghost powers. She now had ghost powers. Panic ran through Betelgeuse's mind. What was going on? "She's not dead? Is she?"

That was one question that now lingered on Lydia's four parents' minds.

"Lydia, are you still alive?" Delia asked, turning to look up at her new stepdaughter.

"Yeah..." Came the teen's response. "Why ask?"

"That doesn't explain how you have ghost powers," a nervous Adam continued. "Especially Betelgeuse's Powers."

"I don't have Betelgeuse's powers."

"What?" All four of Lydia's parents looked at one another in concern.

Lydia pointed at Betelgeuse and her four parents turned to see him telekinetically levitating the now closed copy of the Handbook for the Recently Deceased next to him in midair. If Betelgeuse still had his powers then whose powers did Lydia have? That one thought ran through all four adults' minds.

"I don't have anyone's powers. I think these are my own."

Her four parents turned to face her again, shock now running through their minds. Did Lydia just read their minds? Lydia teleported herself across the room from Betelgeuse and the two began to telekinetically throw stuff at one another. Charles and Delia quickly ducked to avoid being hit by the multitude of random objects that were being thrown by a now laughing and grinning Lydia and Betelgeuse. Only standing up again when the sudden object throwing subsided.

"This is a bad idea," the Deetzes and the Maitlands said in unison.

"And why, pray tell, is me having ghost powers considered a bad idea?"

"Well," Adam began, moving to stand next to his surrogate daughter. "For starters, you're still human. It'll probably take a while for you to get used to having ghost powers."

"And it will take you some time to figure out how to control them," Barbara added with a sigh.

Lydia pouted and was about to say something when Betelgeuse cut her off. "But look on the bright side, Lyds. Look at how much fun you and I can have with your new powers."

"No!" Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia all shouted in unison.

"YES!" Lydia cheered.

She floated over towards Betelgeuse and began to whisper something her four parents couldn't make out in his ear. Whatever the two were planning on doing with Lydia's powers, Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia sure hoped that it wasn't that dangerous. The Deetzes ducked again, suddenly alarmed by Lydia and Betelgeuse flying around Lydia's bedroom at full speed.

"Lydia, Betelgeuse!" The equally unhappy Maitlands eyed them, their arms folded. "Stop that right now!"

"But we just got started having fun with Lyd's new powers," Betelgeuse complained as he and Lydia flew above the group of four adults for the umpteenth time. "Can't you just let us have our fun?"

"No!" The Deetzes and the Maitlands shouted in unison.

"Aw, come on." Lydia stopped flying around her bedroom and was now floating in place above her two sets of parents. "I just got these powers and you guys don't want me to have fun with them. You guys are being spoilsports. I want to keep these powers forever."

"WHAT?!" Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia shouted in unison.

Power Play (A Beetlejuice: the Musical Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now