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One year had passed since Lydia had accidentally given herself ghost powers and she was already used to them. She didn't have any more tantrums and she used her powers whenever she helped around the house. She also quite often spent most of her free time in the Netherworld with Betelgeuse or with the Maitlands. It wasn't that Charles and Delia minded. They understood why that was and they were both okay with that.

Charles and Delia went on a lot more frequent vacations as a result of all of this, leaving Lydia at home with the Maitlands. And this was one of those times. It gave Lydia a better opportunity to get to know the Maitlands and Betelgeuse whenever he chose to stop by. Though it was mostly to check up on Lydia.

They pulled prank after prank together on the Maitlands any time Betelgeuse showed up in the Maitland-Deetz house. Their best one being buckets filled with Mashed Potatoes. This made the Maitlands equally mad. But that didn't mean that Betelgeuse and Lydia were going to stop pulling pranks.

Charles and Delia had decided to go on yet another one of their frequent vacations, again leaving Lydia at home with the Maitlands. Betelgeuse had stopped by as well, meaning Lydia could pull another prank on the Maitlands with his help. But she didn't know what to do. It was Betelgeuse who suggested something for the two of them to do.

He'd suggested they pour buckets of lava over the Maitlands for a laugh. They knew the Maitlands weren't going to be able to tell that it was lava in the first place. They'd just assume it was actually ice being poured over them.

They got right to work. Materializing buckets of lava out of thin air and carefully, slowly making their way into the Living Room of the Maitland-Deetz house. There, they found the Maitlands both fast asleep on the couch. Snoring away. Barbara's head resting against Adam's shoulder and Adam's arm draped around Barbara's.

Lydia and Betelgeuse snickered to one another, tiptoeing over behind the couch and very slowly tipping the buckets of lava over. The lava poured out of both buckets and over the Maitlands' heads, waking both ghosts up with a start.

They looked up, eyeing Betelgeuse and Lydia and Barbara chose to be the one to speak up, "uh, guys, why did you pour ice all over our heads?"

"That wasn't ice," Lydia snickered.

"Then what was it?" The tone present in Adam's voice was confused. He was afraid of the answer he was going to get.

"Lava!" Lydia and Betelgeuse shouted in unison. They fell over onto the floor on their backs and started laughing as hard as they possibly could. Adam and Barbara looked down at them, looks of annoyance plastered on both of their faces. This was going to be a long day.

"Lava or not," Barbara rested a hand against her forehead and sighed, "you guys do know you're in trouble, right?"

"We know," Betelgeuse and Lydia said in unison.

Power Play (A Beetlejuice: the Musical Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now