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Adam paced around the living room. Thinking about how to let Lydia know he was sorry for accidentally giving away her location to Barbara. This had made the teenager mad at him and that hurt the male ghost's feelings,

Barbara assured him that she wasn't as angered with Lydia as she was when the teenager did not teleport into the living room like she was asked to do. She'd gone out onto the roof to talk to Lydia and was about to do so when she accidentally let it slip that she was only outside on the roof because Adam'd accidentally stepped in front of the window leading out to the roof instead of lying and telling Barbara Lydia wasn't even in the attic. That turned out to be a huge mistake.

Adam began to think of what would happen if Lydia had actually gone through with attacking him. He knew she was upset with him but he didn't think she was that upset with him. Her almost attacking him was deemed unexpected. Something he wished didn't happen to him.

He was glad Barbara and Betelgeuse stopped her when they did.

Barbara, Charles, Delia, and Betelgeuse watched Adam as he continued to pace around the living room. Adam came to a stop in front of the four of them and sat in between Charles and Barbara on the couch.

"What can I do to make it up to her?" Adam asked, resting a hand against his chin.

"Maybe you should apologize to her?" Barbara suggested.

"No. I tried that earlier and all she did was telekinetically slam her bedroom door in my face and lock it," Adam sighed.

Adam hoped this was all going to blow over soon and she was willing to talk to him again. But for now, he just wanted to leave Lydia alone and give her some space. Everyone did, actually. They weren't sure if Lydia just refused to talk to Adam for the time being.

They knew Lydia. They knew she'd be willing to talk to Adam by the end of the day.

"Does anyone here have any other ideas about how I can make it up to Lydia?" Adam asked, hopeful.

Adam teleported himself upstairs and was now standing in front of Lydia's bedroom door. He could tell it was still locked and that meant she was still mad with him. Adam was nervous. Unsure of whether or not Lydia was going to allow him to enter her room. Especially after how upset he had initially made her earlier that day.

Taking a deep breath he knocked on his surrogate daughter's bedroom door. "Lydia?!"

"Go away, Adam!"

That proved it. She was still upset with him. Adam took a few shaky steps backwards and turned, heading downstairs. He'd try to talk to Lydia later on in the day. She needed some more alone time.

Adam slowly made his way downstairs and into the living room where Barbara, Charles, Delia, and Betelgeuse were all waiting to see if he had managed to apologize to Lydia for what'd happened earlier.

He sat himself down on the couch and sighed, almost immediately letting the other four that he did not have any luck in getting Lydia to talk to him again. There was always next time.

"No luck huh?" Barbara asked.

"Nope," came Adam's response. "No luck."

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