Some Things You Might Want To Know...

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Hiccup and everyone else had begun rebuilding the next day. It took about a week to melt the ice and repair the flame damage. Ruffnut was trapped in an ice house most of that time. Fishlegs and Snotlout had constantly tried to "man up" and save her but they couldn't break through. Once out, Ruffnut smashed their heads together for being so stupid. All the while Hiccup couldn't help but think about the Bewilderbeast that he had killed in order to save Berk.

Fishlegs and the Other Prisoners

Fishlegs and all the other prisoners sailed off with Drago. Everyone realized they were missing the next day and sent out a search party. Each of them returned that day and eagerly asked about what they had missed. Hiccup explained everything to them after he had asked what had happened to Drago. No one knew the answer.


Drago remained unconscious for the next two days. When he woke, he immediately plotted revenge on Hiccup. But that was cut short as the search party came for the prisoners from his war. He abandoned ship and jumped over board. He wasn't seen again.


Ruffnut had spent most of the week with the children frozen inside the house with her. She tried her best to keep them entertained and away from her hair (they liked to pull out her hair). She finally found the suitable entertainment by doing her Hiccup impression all the while they were in there.


Astrid had immediately started to rebuild Berk. A day before anyone else had. When the rest of the village helped, she was usually on duty with Hiccup, mostly digging out or fixing houses. While working, she asked about Ryo. Like who she was and where she came from and why she was part dragon and why they had kissed. Hiccup never said much more than "circumstances that even I still can't understand." Astrid never gave up though. She tried to follow him one day to Ryo's den, but Hiccup had known she was there and led her in the wrong direction. She made a full circle back to Berk and she never really found the cave. She was always still curious about the two of them.


Hiccup kept the seashell Ryo had given to him close. He never let it out of his sight, fearing that Astrid might call the Red Death. He frequently went to the cliff and looked out into the memories filling his mind. Taking the shell, he visited Ryo often, saying he was going for more wood to rebuild the houses. Each time, he gave the seashell back to Ryo, and each time it mysteriously appeared in his pocket. He knew why she always did it; so he would always have a reason to come back. But it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Hiccup would have always come to Ryo. Having the seashell or not.


Ryo returned back to her cave and put the Red Death back to its den underneath. It was hard though, since she never had the seashell. But she always eventually found a way. Hiccup had visited her almost every day. (He couldn't always slip out of Astrid's view.) Once there, the two had usually flown together around the island or planned for a new wing for Ryo. Hiccup wanted to see her fly again, and after a few years, they finally patched her wing. It felt amazing for Ryo to fly again. It had felt like a lifetime since she had flown by herself. The duo also liked to wander the islands in search of other dragons. As well as the Screaming Death; Ryo had wanted to see it very badly and that surprised Hiccup. It was a heart ache each time Hiccup had to leave. And Ryo never wanted to lose him, so during their goodbye hug, Ryo had always managed to slip the seashell back into Hiccup's pocket. Event though Hiccup always allowed it. Ryo and Hiccup spent many happy times together and the two agreed to just be very good friends. Well, sometimes just friends.

Ryo was based on me. She was courageous, caring, and very adventurous. I made her personality as mine is and I hope you have enjoyed her presence.

The End

P.S. I have just made a Dragon Wings movie trailer. Check it out on my Instagram, @we_go_where_no_one_goes

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