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Clara Scott

I was able to avoid him until before lunch.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked as he stood in front of me. Good job, in avoiding him until now. I said to myself.

"No. Why?" I asked feigning innocent.

"I feel like you are.." he said.

"It's not like I can avoid you." I said rolling my eyes.

"For a moment, I thought it has to do about-" I know what he was about to say and before he could complete the sentence. I interrupted him.

"As much as I would love to have a chat with you. I have Gym and I don't want to be late." But in all honesty, I have been trying to do things slowly because I really hated Gym, but I now rather go to the gym than to have a talk with someone who just made it clear he will have no feelings, what-so-ever towards me and it hurts.

"I was just checking on you." He said.

"For what?" Innocence, innocence. I didn't know until now that I am pretty good at feigning innocence.

"I think I was pretty harsh on you last night." He rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"What was harsh about it?" I said pretending like it didn't bother me. "You were being honest about your feelings and that's fine."

"I thought..." he was about to say something but didn't. "I was just making sure."

"Everything is good." I give him a fake smile. "I have to go." I said as I shut my locker close.

He watched me run to the gym. I was so proud of myself for being calm and collective. I have never felt these emotions,before. This weird butterfly in my stomach when I see him, weird heart fluttering moment when I see him smiling and laughing, weird heartbeat thumping when he is close to me and the saddest, jealousy when he is with other girls. He was with Madison the whole morning and all I can do is pretend I'm okay and all smiles, but my heart felt like it has ripped to million of pieces. Is that even possible to feel this way towards a person you met a week ago? I must be crazy.

Gym has been nothing, but terrible. That's just my opinion, he's just doing his job. I just hate GYM! I love running around, it's just the throwing of balls, that I hate! Most of the girls literally aim for each other pretending it to be part of the 'game'

When it was lunch, I was exhausted as I sat on the bench in our spot in the cafeteria. We hardly sat here last week, but I miss the library because of its quietness and also have to do with a certain boy who was sitting in the middle of the cafeteria with Madison on his lap.

"We heard about your date night." Bailey said. "Must have suck."

I shrugged.

"Still grounded?" Jay asked.

"Yes." I said. "I can't go anywhere after school."

"Until when are you grounded?" Alex asked.

"That I don't know." I smiled, sheepishly.

"Alex said he can hook you up with a boy." Laurie said with a smile.

"Oh no." I said and shake my head. "I just went because Evelyn asked me to." I looked at her, she was busy typing on her computer.

"It's just a date." Alex shrugged.

"I think you can set Evie up." I chuckled as I took a bite of my food.

"I already did." Alex said and Evelyn winked at me.

"I don't think I want to go on another date for a while."

"Okay, we all can hang out together as a group and invite that guy." Bailey grinned.

"How about you, missy?" I teased her.

"Should I?" She give us a thoughtful look and I shake my head and laugh. We all broke down into hysterical laughter.

"What's the laughter all about?" We saw Emmett standing at our table and giving us amused look.

"We were sharing inside joke." Evelyn smiled, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"What's up?" Jay asked. After last night, he now have the courage to talk to him casually.

"Just came to say hi." And he looked at me and I smiled. I feel much better after that laugh.

"Okay, now bye.." Alex waved him off and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Emmett shrugged and walked away.

"Sometime I feel he's fascinated by you, but other times I doubt." Laurie suddenly commented. We all looked at him going back to his group and going back to the pouty Madison.

I shrugged. I know how he feels about me and I didn't want to think about it again.

"You can use your charm and find a deserving guy." Alex said.

"What's my charm?" I teased.

"Your dimples!" Jay teased and poke my cheek and I playfully glared at him before smiling.

"We all think you are a wonderful woman." Evie said. "Beautiful, smart.." she was going to list the things but I was too embarrassed and brushed her off instead.

That's how my days in school went by. It's been two weeks since Emmett shared his thoughts about his feelings towards me. We talk at times and he still orders me around. Giving him my notes and assignments. He have moved on from Madison to some new girl from the cheerleading squad. He got into a fight last week in the hallway and our eyes met the moment,he was about to punch the guy and I shake my head, No. I didn't want him to fight and I didn't want him to get hurt.I took a step forward wanting to help him,but Bella-his new girlfriend or whatever approached him first and I took couple of steps back and walked away from there. He didn't come to school after that and I heard he broke his arm and was resting at home. It was almost going to be a week since he didn't come to school.

"Are you reading for the party, tomorrow?" Alex teased. Tomorrow, there is a group party at Laurie's place and Alex was going to call some of his "friends" to hang out with us. Talk about matchmaker in our group.

I shrugged, I really don't know how I feel about this, but it's just socializing. I can do socializing for now.

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