Chapter 9

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Selena POV

"You didn't have to pay for me, you know. Eleanor gave me some money earlier"

"Yeah I know, but then I wouldn't be treating you as a gentleman like you deserve to be treated"

I smirked, slightly blushing as I move inside the elevator after it opens, standing really close next each other as we wait to get the right floor.

"I never thought that a ride in a elevator would be so slow"

"Only when you're getting to higher floors. You should see whenever being late for a meeting or anything like that, it could be so frustrating"

"Well, that's the works of being a co-owner of this company. Is it just you and Louis who own this company?"

"And Harry's, it was originally Louis's since the company was pasted onto him by his mother, he split his share of ownership of the company to us" he explains, while the name Harry, catches my attention.

"Hey Liam?..."

"Hmm?" He hums in response as he still looks up at floor numbers increasing.

"What is Harry like?"

I notice him stiffen, closing his eyes as he lets out a sigh before responding.

"Well Harry is...well...Harry. He can be nice at one point, but very intense and ignorant on the other"

"So, is he bipolar or something?"

"Well no, that's just his personality. He's not like that with everyone though, he could be a great guy at times" Liam exclaims, as the elevator finally stops, the doors opening before we step out and walk slowly down the hall.

"Then what's the problem?"

He stops, sighing as he turns to me which I do the same. He rubs the back of his neck and smacks his lips before responding to my question.

"Well it's not that it's a problem, Harry can be a-"

"Bad friend?"

"No! No no, I've known him since secondary school, like I said Harry's a great guy"

"And so are you Liam, thank you"

We both turn to see the familiar curly haired boy, walk towards us with Louis and Eleanor right beside him.

"My man, Liam" Harry smirks, patting Liam's back, Liam awkwardly chuckling and nods.

"Ha yeah, uh your welcome"

"So, how'd it go you two?" Eleanor squeals, cheekily smiling at us.

"It was nice, I'd definitely join you again" I said before turning to Liam, softly smiling at him as he smirks and blushes into a deep shade of red. Awh, so cute.

"And where exactly did this lovely gentleman take you?" Louis smirks, patting Liam's shoulder, earning an eye roll from him.

"We just went to diner, nothing too extravagant"

"For someone as gorgeous as you, I would of took you somewhere extravagant" Harry comments, his bright green orbs on me. I felt a few shivers go up and down on my arms which I managed to shake off.

"Well maybe next time I will, thank you" Liam narrows his eyes at Harry once more before he, Louis and Eleanor walk to the side to discuss 'business things', leaving me to stand here alone with Harry.

He steps closer to me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable but not really caring either. Well he is attractive looking.

"So, Selena is it?"

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