And I thought war was hell!!!

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So Paul shows up and wants to talk about what happened the night before but I am guessing the only reason he wants to talk about it is to make sure that I didn't anyone about the fact that he beats be practically on a daily basis and I know he especially wanted to make sure I didn't tell Buck which trust me I would never talk to Buck about my personal life especially not about something as personal as what is going on between me and Paul behind closed doors and he was probably even going to throw out a fake apology just to make sure I don't tell anyone but I honestly don't get why he's so worried I have never ever told any one whats he's done to me even though Ive wanted to and I know should. I don't know how I can be so stubborn and a strong person I'm mean I've survived the army and I am now a firefighter I save peoples lives, I used to carry guys on my back but I can't seemed to tell someone that I am in a abusive relationship that part I don't except the fact that I think I love him but I always have to wonder if he really loves because if he did would he be doing the things he is? I really don't know but I think about those things all the time but anyways I need to deal with that fact that everyone is standing behind me waiting to see what dramatic thing is about to happen and of course Buck and Paul are staring each other down and literally all I want to do is curl up in a ball and disappear but I know I have to be the adult and deal with these two adult children and with the fact that he just came to my work and I have every single person I work with watching whats about to go down which I know something is because Buck and Paul haven't stopped staring at each other since Buck noticed Paul walked, but thank god neither one of them know they my leg got broken last night because I definitely know that would make this whole situation a lot worse and I don't need anyone here knowing that its broken. So I get in between them so the awkward staring and pissing contest ends and I can figure out why the hell Paul thought it was a good time to come talk to me about him punching me in the face and everything that happened after that, so I said fine I can go talk to you for one second I was on my lunch break anyways but I am going to have to get to work and we don't know when the bell is going to ring so I have to be available and he gives me a weird face and thats when I knew he was about to start his shit right here and all I could do was embrace whats about to happen and try to give him the answers he wants and so he says look if you don't have time for me I'll just leave and we will deal with this later and I said no its fine I can talk to real quick and he says no you don't seem like you have time for your own boyfriend these days your to busy hanging out or fucking around with Buck clearly, as soon as he said that I knew shit was about to get real and since Buck was still standing right there he was going to say something since Evan Fucking Buckley can't seem to ever keep his stupid ass mouth closed I know he had a comeback ready but what I didn't expect was what he did next. Buck grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him and then said don't talk about shit you don't know and just fuck off dude she clearly doesn't want you here right now she's at work like are you fucking mental you don't bother someone at work especially when its a job where she literally saves lives everyday and the next time you feel like punching your girlfriend in the face how about you find someone more size to pick on and before you or Maia say anything I know you hit her and abuse her I noticed first when were doing the firefighting class together and then again at the graduation party we had for finishing the class and how you acted towards her and me when I called you out that night, also you both especially you Maia think I'm just this dumb cocky asshole who sleeps with tons of girls but I am not and I notice things and I pick up on when people are being weird and sketchy about stuff like how you act Maia every time I have brought up the fact that I think you boyfriend is abusing you. So how do you feel Paul now that I have called you out on your shit hmm? and what about you Maia are you going to say anything about this and if you deny it one more time I will literally beat your ass again! So one of you please say something since I got an open dialogue going for you guys or how about you Paul? how about you just punch right in the face instead of Maia's this time because I know you want to right about now so please just do it. My jaw is wide open and I haven't been able to close it since Buck started talking I couldn't even believe the nerve Buck just had to call us out in front of everyone we work with I am telling you now if five days from now Evan who the fuck knows his middle name Buckley goes missing you can find him in about 4 to 5 black bags at the bottom of the ocean and I am literally about to kill the mother fucking kid right here and now especially if he says one more thing but now I got to salvage this whole thing before I actually get my ass beat by Paul tonight. So I finally speak because this shit is fucking ridiculous and I can't have everyone thinking that my boyfriend abuses me so I said look whatever Buck thinks he knows he's wrong and its not his business and I am fine does my face look like I was punched hmm? and everyone said no and I said exactly and then I finally make eye contact with Paul and he looks furious of course I am not surprised though and right as I was about to say I am going to go have a quick talk with my boyfriend now he looks at me with his eyes flaming and says I have to go but we will talk about this at home and then turns around and leaves and honestly I am a little relieved that he just left with no other drama but at the same time I know what talking when we get home means. So after that eventful part of the day everyone was asking me if I was okay if I need to talk to someone and gave me numbers of therapists and police officers and asked I need a place to stay for a while because I could stay with them if I wanted and I was just trying to be as nice as I can but of course I would politely deny because otherwise if I said yes it would make me definitely seem like something was going on, so I would just smile and say thank you but honestly I was raging inside but I knew if I showed my rage something bad would happen and trust me no one would want that. So its finally the end of the day but I didn't want to go home for obvious reasons but I knew before I could go home and deal with Paul I was going to have to go have a private talking with Buck and try not chop him up in million pieces and dump him on the ocean floors, so I go to my car throw my shit in the back and get in and put Bucks address in my gps and head to his apartment...........

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