Its been a long day without you my friend...

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Bucks prov.... It was two in the morning and I got a call from Captain Nash and I said this better be really important because it is 2 am in the morning and he said yes it is we got a call to a stabbing at an apartment complex and I said at that caused for a call why? and Captain Nash paused and wasn't saying anything and I was getting really worried it was my sister Maddie and so I said what is Nash just tell me whats going on and he said the stabbing we were called to was Maia's and Paul was no where around but she was in really bad shape we rushed her to the hospital and she is getting rushed to an emergency surgery and we are all waiting for here to see what happens but I have to be completely completely honest with you the doctors don't know whats going to happen with her she was pretty much gone when we got there, she had a very very weak plus and she had lost a lot of blood and was stabbed in the stomach and the leg and she had a lot of blood in her lungs. He said I thought you might want to know and come and hangout with us to see whats going to happen with her and I was already almost dressed and I said of course I will be there, so I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and rushed out to my car and then rushed to the hospital and I saw everyone sitting in the waiting room well everyone except the one person who should be here Paul Fucking Lahote Maia's fucking boyfriend but of course he's no where to be found yet again and as furious as I am with him and the fact that I am pretty sure he did this I have to ignore it and just be there for her and for everyone and so I walk up and say hi to everyone and Captain Nash apologizes for waking me up early in the morning but this was important and she is part of the 1-18 family and we want to make sure she is going to be okay and if she isn't we need to notify family or friends. So I sit down with everyone else and wait and I was getting really impatient and wanting to know why the hell its taking so long and I don't do well waiting for long periods of time so I get up and start pacing and I keep an eye out for any doctors or nurses that can tell me anything about how she is doing or if she is still in surgery, but so far no one even seems to be around so I keep pacing around till Captain yells at me to sit down because I am making everyone nervous so I sit down and he asks if everything is okay and why I am so nervous and I wasn't going to tell anyone that she came to my apartment right after work but since all this happened this seems important now so I said look I should probably tell you something about last night and he gets a worried face and I say don't worry I didn't do this but right after work she did come stop by my place to yell at me for what did in the middle of work yesterday but nothing else happened and she was only there for about twenty minutes and then left but I know she said she was going to have to talk to Paul about everything that happened but I never heard anything after that, so I am just feeling guilty about it and I had this feeling I should checked on her but I didn't because I didn't want to cause her more problems but If I had just checked on her we wouldn't be here right now, he put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me said this is not your fault but I swear to you will find out who did this whether it was her boyfriend or not. I said talking about her boyfriend has anyone even found him or tired to call Paul does he even know his girlfriend is fighting for her life right now because she was stabbed to the inch of her life and he says well we kind of told them that but I don't know if they have actually tried finding him and I said well they will now and I got up and went to the front desk and I said Hi you know the patient that just came in Miss Knight and she said yes are you the boyfriend Captain Nash was talking about and I said no but thats what I wanted to come talk about have you guys called him or found him and told him about his girlfriend? and they said no we haven't but none of your friends over there know his number but we have tried looking to see if we could find a number or even a email and I said what if I can help you with that, I have his number and she said yeah that would be great and so I give it to her and I stand there as she calls him so I can over here the conversation or at least try to and then she hangs up and says he wasn't home and had no idea and he is rushing to the hospital right now and he says he will be here in about ten minutes and I said thanks and she says you know your a great friend its to bad your not her boyfriend because you seem like you really care for her and I said thanks and I walked back to my seat brushing off what she just said because none of that is true we hate each other and I have been awful to her but right now I am just hoping and praying lives and if she does I want to apologize for everything I have done to her starting from when we met at the academy and to be honest I don't know why I was so rude to her actually I wasn't just rude I was a complete asshole to her and I don't know why so if she survives this I want her to know that I don't hate her and I am sorry for everything, if she dies I have no idea what I am going to do is going to die thinking I hated her guts but thats not true and I don't know if I can live with that. So I apparently dozed off and I was woken up by Cap tapping my shoulder and said look who's here and he also looks like he's drunker than a skunk and I said your shitting me right? So I get up and walk over to him and Cap try to stop me but I am giving no fucks I will start a scene right here because I am pissed that he is just now showing up and drunk when his girlfriend he supposedly cares about is in surgery and who knows if she is going to make it or but here he is drunk, so I walk up and ask where the hell he has been? he says one don't you dare get in my face Buck and two I was busy and I had no idea she was even hurt and I was why the hell weren't you home? hmm? He says because I went out and need some liquid courage to talk her about everything that happened that afternoon and to apologize for coming to get work and everything but then I just ended up drinking and drinking and then I got the call from the hospital and I tried getting a cab but that took forever and so I finally got an uber but theres a shit ton of traffic and then I finally got here, and I said yeah you finally got here stumbling out of a uber fucking drunk like wow what a winner Maia must be so proud of you! I have no clue why the hell she is with you, your such a loser like she could do so much better and I went to go sit down and he grabs my shoulder and says what the fuck did you just say to me and I said you heard me you prick! So I try to go sit down and again and he says hey and I turn around he punches me not a great one because I get right back up and punch him in the face as hard as I can and I said for your sake stay down bitch and then next thing I know we are having a full on brawl in the middle of the waiting room and yes I know thats embarrassing and Maia would be yelling at us right now but this guy is such a prick and thinks just because he is dating Maia that he can get away with anything he wants but I am here to put him in his place, so of course we get security called on us and says if we both don't sit down right now shut up that we were both going to get kicked out and we won't be able to see Maia till 10 in the morning so I gave him I hate you look and he did the same and we sat down and Cap and everyone gave a really again look but they all know I have a huge problem with this prick so I am not sure why they are surprised. After about 20-30 minutes of silence I say just so you know Paul in case you actually care about how your girlfriend is doing, we don't actually know she's been in surgery this whole time and no one has told us anything about she is doing but you know thats only if you fucking care. After about three to four more hours went a nurse came out to the waiting room and I was hoping and praying that it was her nurse and she started walking towards us so I got up and so did Paul and we both walked up to her and she said she is in the recovery room right now and she is stable but she can only have one visitor and we are probably going to keep her for a few days because she lost a lot of blood and the bullet was in-between some important organs so we had to be very careful and apparently the leg she was shot in was broken in half did anyone know that? And we both looked at each other said I said we had absolutely no idea and she says okay well we had to fix that to so she is now in a cast and has a bandage around it to so she's going to have to take her whole cast off when she has to change her bandages which is going to suck and she's going to be in a lot of pain so we will be sending her home with a months worth of pain killers and then she will have to refill on her own after that but she will need help changing both her bandages and we both said okay, and then she said well which one of you is the boyfriend she lives with? and in the spur of the moment I said thats me and she said okay well then come with me and then I looked back at Paul who was furious but serves him right for barley showing up for his girlfriend and showing up plastered soI walk with the nurse to her room which is on the second floor so as we are walking I am thinking about why I have this need to be the first one to see her I just don't know why but I have to know that she is going to be okay. So she walks me in the room and says you have twenty minutes and then you can come back in tomorrow at ten and I said okay thank you and before she left I said are you guys opening up an investigation about what happen and she said yes because there is no way she stabbed herself and not only did she get stabbed and her broken but she had glass pieces in her arms and legs in places which indicates there was a fight, so we will be having cops come to talk to her when she wakes up in the morning and I said thank you and she said twenty minutes I mean it she needs her sleep but she probably won't wake and I will have a nurse come get you when twenty minutes is up and I said okay. So she leaves and I sit down in a chair next to her and just sit and stare at her not knowing what to say and if she can even hear me and as I am staring at her I started noticing things about her that I never noticed like for one that she is beautiful and she looks like an angel when she's sleeping, so I start talking to her about everything that went down even though I know she probably can't hear me but I just felt like talking to her and it is helping my nerves talking to her and knowing that she is eventually going to wake up and everything is going to be fine. I look over at her and her eyes start opening and closing and I thought she was just maybe waking up and then it starts getting faster and then her machine she is connected to starts beeping and blinking and I don't know what to do so I go out to the hallway and call for a nurse but I don't see anyone so I run out and see if there is anyone at the front desk and luckily there is and I tell her there is something happening with the girl in room 304 and to get some nurses so she makes the call and I go back in the room and wait for the nurses to get here and then finally they come rushing in and ask what happened and I said I was just sitting here talking to her and then her eyes to started fluttering open and closed and then her machines started beeping and stuff and then I called you guys and I looked over and it looks like she's having a seizure and one of the nurses says shit she's going into anaphylactic shock and looks at me and says we need you to get out and I said no I'm staying and she says please get out before we have to force you out and so one of the other nurses walks me out of the room and walks back in and slams the door..................

Pain in my ass!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin