Chapter two : Darkish

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The cult were moving fast , 

Darkish prepared his cutlass  and left for the damp corridor of the house. The tank blew the house and swarms of cults entered.

I need to reach the 2nd chamber of the house.

His  heart begin to ache with the death and destruction but he continued .

He ran upstairs but gunfires block rails of the stairs ,  he avoided shots

"Kill the gaaanmma(butchered form of the word Genma) " the cult said and it moved 

Darkish moved into left side stairs to the third floor

the cults began to hoard the supplies of the house

"Glory to god"

A swam of thunders flows across the room, a knife slashes darkish's arm but not too damaging 

The Queen floated over him slurring derogatory words the cults breaking of the door allowed her passage , she was too fast. Her Knife hits four of the cults and almost hits Darkish but he blocks it with his sword .

"You didnt let us innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn."

Darkish twists his cutlass on her guts but she teleports , Slamming Darkish to the other room.

She teleports and uses bifrost to slash darkish's sides 

She has the bifrost but a non teleporting one.

Darkish  ducks and blocks the bifrost blast with his cutlass.

"Freaking gaaanma!" 

The Queen hisses"That doesn't even make any sense . "

"You refuse my subjugation , youre an untolarable enemy of this peaceful nation."

She uses her knife and stabs it in rapid succession , Darkish blocks this . and swings his sword which gets deflected

"People will bend over , to stop the cult you need Sendovers. Yet humanity trying to fight in a mirage of a heaven with leftovers "

Darkish kicks her and moves to another floor and climbs over the railings avoiding her frost attack. He swings his sword and slashes his opponents hand with the knife

"A bark of a dog , with dead as loins, alone in the world sleep as dark, mark of my bite" the Queen says. Darkish moves to the upper floor and throws a book at her, she teleports behind him but Darkish blocks with his blade  and puches her across the room where she hits the fallen chandelier 

"Must ya be remembered a hunt yawarakai  is a Veykh creature but its fangs  growl,tears limbs apart if pushed too hard,  feast upon bones of humans it howls , hunger turns dogs into wolves  your handler blows owls"

The Queen loses her temper and sends barrages of ice and the bifrost attack , it his Darkish's neck and he fells of to the lower floor with the blast , He runs towards the next room closes the door .Darkish goes to take cover under the sofa .The Queen breaks the door with the bifrost.She teleports beside Darkish . Darkish punches her to move her away and goes to strike with his sword.

She summons shards of ice that penetrates Darkish's heart and he is slammed to the wall, Darkish begins bleeding. A squad of cult members gets dismembered with the Queen

Queen  begins to take the cutlass of the blade and goes to cut Darkish's head.She comes closer to Darkish but Darkish tears her eyes out with his hand and slams her head into the shards it doesn't break the head but the cutlass drops, the Queen is staggered and teleports away. Darkish gets shot by the cult which his the frost breaking it .

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