Chapter nine : Yisgula

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"So Rosenberg where was this cult  you wanted to show me?" Yisgula demanded as his blonde hair curled and reflected the light of the sun.

"one  Call me Kujo ,  Two its a truth club of a better generation ,not a cult. Three you might want to dye your hair ,its like a long distance sonar. "Kujo responded with a lispy voice.

"Nano techs floating in the air captures all details. I am surprised why this cult was not taken by the legal forces after the countless killings." Yis rubbed his eye brows as the sun's gleaming light was .

"I guess we have to cancel and deplatform the sun." Yisgula joked.

"You may joke about it blondie  but the UV lights generated after the sixth interplanetary war will kill you. "

"Guess we have to cancel and deplatform vitamin D then."

"Vitamins and vegetable  are evil .Science says so ,it must be true."Kujo replied.

"And who determines what is Science or Not? Who determines what saves the environment ?" Yisgula asked.

"Scientists obviously , you most evil person. "

"What happened to the Rosenberg state? Helms had perfected the gravitational devices. Did he died?"Yisgula asked but he knew the answer.

"The 4 heroines wiped out the Rosenberg estate . They took the lands and one estate was with us but Avi was murdered and somebody planned to steal the estate and use it for other purposes. we all know everything that corporation touches turns to shit but the estate may have some relics of the old age that can change the world.we could study and fix it but education has been illegal and seen as an evil topic. people should read how to be an pacified nice citizen and education is bad as it hurts people .

The government stopped the education as it were hurting feelings. Cant have that in civilized improving society ."

"Who was planning to take the Rosenberg estate?"Yisgula asked

"I thought it was you, maybe Adam and his friends. However It had to be somebody from the inside as the doors and other places were in deep secret and at the day of the attack it was opened.

 Furthermore those loyal to the 4heroines masters were kept alive and the rest were killed .

Soren Alin was made the mayor but later she was assinated two days after the coronation . When i protested they put a nano chip in my head and kicked me off to the prison. Good times.

There I met Totvi Khan. He knew what was wrong with our society and wanted to fix it."

"Celebrities that start political movements are usually not reliable. "

"It was different . We all were ostracized by society for things we didnt do and being ourselves. everybody was at the prison. farmers, traders ,bootlickers,empowerment groups. We all were labeled as the ultimate evil and society turned our backs on us because of how we were born. Thats how this "cult" came to be. I was an ordinary car repair guy living on proverty . The estate was given to my elderest sister .

I was still labeled for things i didnt do and vile accusations of stealing, attacking while i was living off beans in a half assed RV ."

Kujo continued. "They brought people i have never seen in my life as witnesses . They never went to court as a simple police investigation would prove my innocence. Rather I was in the court of public opinion and in the court of public opinion logic and truth has no place.They murdered countless children . it became a part of their culture.

When anybody tried to ask why regardless of the identity they simpled were humiliated and killed. The rope was the ultimate Equalizer it came for us all. We all would have been killed including my sister. But Jack Yonvir had to be the ultimate evil man"

"Yonvir?" Yisgular remarked.

"Jack and Totvi started an uprising. Jack had helps from less than ideal groups.They killed a lot of people that day.

The commotion allowed most to leave the prison. but the mind and neck bombs meant not many survived. However Jack and others removed the chips of those they could.Freedom was crueler than slavery.Nobody wanted anything to do with us. The techs were closed like  a dried up plant."

"Totvi Khan made his own. We formed our own farms and steeds. We drove our own to fire for creed. The cult kept the fires of revolution as a wheel as it eat and devoured its own. It like cornus ate its own.. Totvi would praise somebody one day and then gut him the next. He burned a lot of people in his life.But burning those people saved lives.

The main problem with the cult was some members subconsciously wanted to bang his daughter. Another problem was it attracted lonely and damaged people.

It was extremely awkward. But the husband and wife were loyal to each other."

A lot of people were traumatised in the event of Aor33N25

and the massive war broke a lot of people.

Still Yisgula did not trust Totvi Khan , the man had a habit of turning on people.

and give off signs of being a hidden spy for the 4 heroines.

Still I needed his land and his suppies for the town folks to survive the eldritch horrors

that lay deep in land.

Totvi maybe out of line but he is the one hope we have left . We will need to move the people

to a safer position so the massacre eirbus suffered wont  be repeated a third time.

Yisgula was almost out of  allies by that point, There appears to be no signs of the orthodox church in the area.  Nor any signs of the bannerman of the king

Yonvir and most of his knights have disappeared . and JinLou said the massive army of Kionsx is trying to hunt down the remaining followers of the king.

We should have formed an alliance with the Anderl  but the chance of that has disappeared. Shui himself moved out of the flatlands .

Any chance of political alliance was sabotaged once Kionsx came to the picture.He

got out of the cult area and went near the synagogue.

Keiku was not near the area, so he might be in the higher rooftops of the town.

or whats left of it.

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