Chapter four: Darkish

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Blue gushes of rivers flow towards the crystalline houses.

His legs felt the dampness of the cerulean which was contrasted with his bleeding.

He ran upon the Azure stairs into a dark passage.

Beyond that lay the A man in cover surrounded by will o wisps.

"You saved me?" Darkish asked.

"Your investigations lead you towards death has it not. Clearly somebody is not a fan of you.Any reasons why?"The man asked.

This is the domain of Yinos step back

"I have tormented so many poor souls that i have lost count, you do not get to where I am without making enemies." Darkish said.

Could it be that girl Gracia Nassim? Or Princess of Usseia?

Darkish wanted to marry the ruler of the Usseian country. Her parents wanted this marriage too for political gain.Celina loved somebody else and canceled the marriage. After that their country went to war.Spies from sensitive agencies tried to get Darkish's hand but he declined them all.He thought about kidnapping the princess and issue a peace but decided against that at the last moment.

The Four Heroines took over brisol and make it a more mainstream country.The education system got infiltrated by pedophiles ever since they took over.Anybody who questioned the four heroines were beheaded in public.Brother corporations took over the country and salvaged the once prominent culture.

They took the religion and culture of the town and rewrote the entire history with their vision.The gods of the brisols were mocked and changed from canon and anybody who questioned the inhumanity of the corporations were shamed ,their finances were blocked and they were beheaded.

They killed the men and children and kept the women alive.The women were sent to the mines and maintenance of harmful chemical minerals to pay for their debts

Vae Victis.

Brisol became a slave city with the uni-plains banking system and debt.Darkish survived ambush from Four Heroines who were waiting for him at the princess's bath chamber.He went against destiny at the last moment and from the outskirts of his town saw its collapse.

"It could be insurgent groups.Proxy wars started by proxy groups."Darkish said

There are over 130 groups that wanted him to go, and about 129 of them are owned by the four heroines.

"I am the provost." The man spoke with a thin voice.

"And I'm Dervesh." Darkish said.

A dark bird appeared and transformed into a beautiful girl.

"I am Loretta Lopez."

"I'm out." Darkish walked out.

"Wait if you don't help us, you will never find out who wants you dead. Our resources can help you find them."The provost said.

Darkish "This is beginning to sound like those cringy agency propaganda novels.I don't care about your purpose."

Loretta takes an apple "Take this , it will save you.The chambers you visited poisoned your body"

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