Chapter six: Darkish

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Darkish walked alone in the rain.

What the hell did I just do?

Once again I am my worst enemy.

How can I uncover the Gene pool alone?

My own ego has dragged me to the gutter.

With my low skills in combat and intelligence, my own cowardice

I cannot win.

Sperg and Sped leads to ded.

I thought I would fix myself after Sarah but I keep

sinking myself to the abyss while my health deteriorate

The world expects you to behave in a way

and if you don't wear the masks in time

it tosses you out.

Scales began to show up in his arm

Darkish laughs frantically.

My Vanity have lead me towards my fate though I keep running from it.

He screams at the deep blue sky

"You Bastards! It is not my fault."

A dark shadow gloom over his head.

Dark tentacles of the surrounding trenches flows towards the ground.

Darkish runs.

He sees wasteland and ruins filled with corspe and metal.

thunders began to fall from the sky as a response to the the

cry. A giant Dragonlike creature shows up.

Different rings joined together and a great mast with thousand of eyes flows across the sky.

It is Time.

Darkish begins to lose breath and a deep sense of fear hits him.

He finds a dark figure of Gracia Nassim moving closer.

Darkish tries to hit her but stops at the last minute

Why are other people not responding to this?

This is an illusion.

"No this is reality!"

A dark figure cuts Darkish's hand and he falls down.He fires at the figure and runs across the passages below.

He sees the surrounding shapes approach him as his fingers began to hold on the trigger.

Why aren't they attacking me what creatures are this?

Darkish screams and finds a pair of hands slapping him

Alien words echo is his ears.

It is time.

"I am brainwashed, stay back."He shouts and runs away from the horribly shaped creatures

The giant creature approaches Darkish and his mind begans to deteriorate.

Indra : A RosioTkor Rosenberg  TaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora