Chapter 10 :Darkish

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I kept moving towards my path with hope for the future.

Darkish kept moving among the crystals swamp of the otherworld  the priest fallen far behind.   The One they choose is from the devil, he will destroy humanity until you stop him.

"You meant the people's champion."  Darkish asked

"More Like the peoples Dajjal, He must be stopped Darkish or Humanity will stop."

"What is he planning?" I asked the old preist but his face filled with horror as if he waited centuries to speak and for someone to listen yet he found me instead .... A child of Esau and unchosen sight in before the lord God .

"He wants a war to end all wars he wants to end humanity Darkish and the sheeple will follow him as their saviour." He screamed but the strength of the preist faded so it became a whimper.

"It is not like big Willy is giving the people SEO features , DEI benefits and ESG loans why would a large portion of humanity follow someone that destroyed their homes?"

"If the people of a place are cattle  enough to follow a spineless coward  and his incompetent mother .They are foolish enough to follow a tyrant."

"Lavadrel ruined my reputation , he framed me for the murders of those women. There is no way I can clear my name." Darkish said.

"He will kill more , alongside his dark priest. You have to stop him. I know you  will."

"I cant ... alone."

"You are never alone Anderl . In Time you will realize this."

"Why Doesn't the Flatlands people push for their future. They have a leader." I asked.

"Forming an allaince with Li Feng could stop the dark gods of the four heroines, as Li Feng and His sister have means to stop them."

"No Anderl, the leader of the flatlands is  Ceon is a spineless invertebrate coward who hides behind his wife's lap, he takes money from the four heroines every month and uses it in chems and brothels. All he does is give huge speeches but he is a traitor to Islam and have destroyed the alliance that was needed with Li Feng to free the people. The people of Ceon suffers but he doesnt give bail money instead he is busy being a slave of the ancient dark gods. His brainwashed spinless followers attack  the christian hosted in these cities." The priest answered.

"So Ceon doesnt listen to the ulama and the mulvi . Maybe the slob would listen to a hot  big breasted woman. You could relay the message of allaince to Freya. " Darkish joked.

"Do not underestimate Ceons appetite  , his family is the reason the nation is at ruins.The eternal truth must be followed but it is not being followed due to ineptitude leaders and sellouts." The preist roared.

"The system cannot be changed instantly old man, besides I need help of our brother and sisters in the flatlands if we can get a fighting chance at freedom. And they think i murdered those people even though its  a lie." I answered.

"We know you are innocent Anderl. You are guilty of many atrocities but the real muslimeen know you never harm women and children. The ones framing you are part of a multi universal propaganda campaign and the traitors.Shawn the Christian have vouched for your innocence he has presented the evidence which proved you were not in the building where the massacre took place. He thinks the real murderer is Corxin." The preist said.

 In an instant my world began to shatter, The one the realms throughly tursted as thier savoir was behind the deepest attack.

"Corxin was behind it, He learned the truth of his ancestry which broke his mind.And The people's champion helped in the slaughter." the priest said with a stern voice.

"Whats with all the soft omnicidal insecure leaders?" Darkish mentioned.

"We would have less tyrants if you didnt went out to get milk after every 9 months."

"I told you before I dont want to lead my people anymore." I answered.

"Then you doom us all, you want the likes of a whoremonger that keeps saying my people , my people after every five minutes. The mandate of Heaven insisted  on you. It choose you the day you slew the dark queen, it is your destiny to free the people  not Ceon not Totvi Kahn and certainly not Keiku Rosenberg. "

"Every single thing that has happened pointed to the return of Yisgula and his help in restoring the universe from the Dark gods." i answered."The one that will save humanity is  Yisgula."

"That may be true, But you also have a part to play in the wars to come."

 After moving for hours , I finally arrive on a disproportionate waters . Odd beings of outerworld seem to be beside the area .

A large whale moves beside us , in top of the whale I see a cosmic entity and on top of it a woman.

 "Thats the one ?" I asked

"No. Andrel ,you must move further "

Then Darkish saw the prisms of and that was broken by the Antichrst himself

i t was clear that humanity was under great peril, signs of far evil creatures were there.

Darkish walked forward to see signs of a broken town and a group of fighters.

It was the Reil Horde.

"Stop Son of Esau , Dont play with forces you understand."

Darkish walked pushing the preist "Run away Sufi , I dont want your blood on my conciense "

The religious man left in a haze leaving darkish along, darkish drew out his sword.

"You know who I want , release him."

"We heard rumours of a palestinain nearby have you seen him?" The horde  member asked.

"I might have seen someone near the ocean , wounded but alive. That might be your guy."Darkish answered.

"You must let me find Logos" Darkish said.

"Even after everything he has done!" The horde member proclaimed.

"He maybe what we need to stop the four heroines. The Leviathan the end of men is coming and Logos is powerful enough to stop him . Let me revive him"

A red haired  man attacked Darkish sending him back.

"You will do no such thing Bozo" he smirked as he said those words

'We meet again Bitcher, So you did survive the attack by rebels."

"Jokes on you truther kun, i went all visual novel with the rebels" Shui said.

"What did Harold said to you  to stop Logos ?" Darkish asked

"Harold promised me there was a beautiful woman at the south near the arena. A trail is to take place"

"I never took you for the type to attend ordeals."

"Thats why i am here. Dont resurract Logos considering he tried to wipe the world."

Shui strikes with the sword but Darkish counters it with his blade.

Darkish twists his sword and strikes heavy into the fighter but more enemies  surround him.

'Guess there is no honour among mercs '

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 08 ⏰

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Indra : A RosioTkor Rosenberg  Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें