Rhyming melody

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They returned their home. All the way they are silent. A comfortable one.
Nandini seemed to at daze. Those words were constantly ringing in her ears and she felt it like a melody...

"I love everything that has a soul"...

How deep are those words of him. Well he is a deep person. Deep to ponder, deeper to understand...

With him everything seems so lovely even the smallest and simplest things.

Even Nandini felt that she is being comfortable around him. Even more than Aliya... and it's scared her.

She can be herself without the fear of being judged. He make her feel like she's at her home.

She knows deep down she feels something for him. Yet her brain refuses everytime.


Oh duffer! She's feeling guilty to feel something about her bestfriend's boyfriend.

But sadly Aliya is no more. And she should accept the fact no matter how much it hurts.

Manik taking secret glances at the silent yet confused girl beside him.
He is watching sports channel. On the other hand Nandini sat on the couch with half opened journal in her lap. She's thinking about something very deeply as her brows frowns cutely and her lips pouted. He find it insanely cute yet attractive. His heartbeat went mad as he had started to hear it loud whenever she was near by. It's so hard to keep his eyes away from her.

His thoughts slowly went to the day she told him about her broken childhood. She told about the love she had for her parents.

What will she do when she learned that her father is alive ?!

How will she react?

"Nandini, what do you do when you meet your dad?"

"Huh?!", Nandini blinked her eyes.

The words registered her minds after few seconds as she raised her eyebrows.

"Didn't I told you manik that he's no more", Nandini replied.

"I know, but just imagine that your dad didn't died at all. Oneday you bumped into him. All of sudden he started blaming you for all thins that had happened", Manik said without meeting her curious gaze.

She blinked her eyes.

Exactly 3 times. So what he counted.

She shook her head," Manik, first of all your imagination is horrible. Seriously... How come you only can imagine things like this?!...", She chuckled at her own words. Manik shaking his head slightly.

How will he tell her that it's not a imagination it is brutal reality?!

"Secondly he is my dad I think he won't do this to me because he loved me dearly and I trusted him. Even if he hated me I will be happy because he is alive", Nandini said with her heart warming smile.

Manik gaze softened at that.He knows that she is rare, her love is rare...

But mr.Murthy doesn't deserve a daughter like her. He is such a selfish man to abandon his own daughter like that. Without even caring about her lost childhood.

He can't even imagine what all problems she had faced alone during her stay at orphanage. And after that too. She struggled so much that she became world famous neurosurgeon.

"Manik, what happened?", Nandini asked worried at his long silence. He shuddering at the touch of her palm on his shoulder. He didn't know when she moved closer. She innocently looked at him. His blinked his eyes blocking all the dangerous thoughts occured in his mind.

Nandini followed his gaze and removed her hand abruptly looking absolutely embarassed. Her faced flushed like a tomato.

Manik smirked. He leaned closer and closer. Nandini looked astounded.

What he is even doing ?!

Her heartbeats were loud enough. She swear the heart rate increased. And she felt fluttering in her stomach instead of chest. Her head feel so light, close to dizziness. As far as she knew this is called tackycardia. All the symptoms were clear enough.

Manik leaned further. Their breathe mingled and the silent itself felt like a melody. His eyes were so intense that had oceans of emotions that she can drown into. His all features were dangerously amazing. Suddenly the air went thick. And all the sounds blocked, their hearts rthymed each other.

Nandini closed her eyes in anticipation.

Manik took the remote behind her and backed to his place without second thought.

Because it's too dangerous to play this prank with her that he afraid about his failure. With the immense self control and courage, he distanced him from her.

Nandini open her eyes as she feels nothing. Manik looked at her  innocently with evil gaze. She didn't even noticed what had happened.


"What happened Nandini", Manik asked coyly.

Nandu rooted dumbfounded. She slowly registered the prank he played at her. Her heart jumped to her stomach at the second he leaned. But but he made fun of her.

"Manik", Nandini huffed.

"What Nandu?!", He asked.

"You. Are. So. Mean" she beat him on the shoulder four times uttering inbetween.

Manik throw his head back and laughed. And his laughter was like a song that she never heard of. It was like a water droplets fell on the dried arid region. She stared smiling at him.

The day got so much better!!



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