Escaping reality

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"What? No, Nandini he is not mr.m, I meet him before so I knew Don't freak out"

"Why didn't you tell me that?", She asked glaring at him.

"I don't know it's your father,at that time. I met him on the way back to London. He is a famous business man. I gave him a lift as his car met some accident or something".


"It's minor one. No injuries to anyone. The front part of the car only slightly damaged. It's just a small break down  That's all".

"Okay, then don't call it as a accident"


"He is fine", Manik assured once again without her asking.

Once again the comfortable silence filled the car. Manik thought went to what cabir said before.


Before the journey...

Manik struggling with all the emotions he had recently feeling, just one tear from her eyes, it's so heart shattering for him. The depth, the intensity he feels literally scared him. It even amaze him, that he can even feel this deep! Really?

"Manik what do feel about Nandini?", Cabir asked him, who knows better than him, his friend literally need to open his eyes and see what's before him. Sometimes why Manik is acting so dump!

Manik pressed his eyes close and heaved a sigh.

"I... I just don't know what I am doing. I never feel this way for anyone. Not even with Aliya. But I thought I love Aliya then why do I feel something for Nandini... Why?! Isn't it wrong?!"

"You don't love Aliya", cabir whispered yelled. How could he make him understand.


"Manik, what you have with Aliya is no where near to love. I saw that from the beginning itself. You were not in love with her Manik".

"B.. But... I thought..."

"There is a different between love and attachment. Attachment is about fear and dependency, and has more to do with love for self than love for another. Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn't about what others can give you because you are empty. It is about what you can give others because you are already full.

Manik she was just a habit. It's all because she was with you all the time. Form childhood. And you know what, she was the second friend you had after me. You accepted her because in the fear of losing her as a friend. Manik, for Aliya you never do all things you're doing for Nandini. Right??"


"Just think about it manik, I'm going. Be safe", cabir said to Manik as he saw Nandini came with her bags ready for the journey.


"Manik, what're you thinkin' about?", Nandini jerked him away from his thoughts.

Manik shook his head smiled at her warmly. It's just her presence itself felt so peaceful.

Am I really in love? He asked to himself.

"I'm hungry", Nandini whined once again clearing his thoughts.

"It is 5 am in the morning", Manik uttered disbelief. And then sighed after she make him that cute puppy look which he can ever avoid.

"Okay I'll see if there is any cafe or resturant"

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