Awardwinning (chap 1)

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                             Sexual Content is within, viewer discretion is advised. 

Snotlout yelled as smoke appeared from behind him, a blazing Hookfang tried to play a innocent role in his rear end getting cooked. Suddenly, a pair of annoying twins came out from behind Hookfang, catching the Monsterous Nightmare off guard, clapping.  I quickly ducked under a shield as I heard a slowly building roar, resulting in a fiery purple explosion.  A dark, mysterious looking dragon landed in a matter of seconds. There he was. 

"We aren't getting anything done!" he paused "Astrid, I thought you were watching them."

"I was," I replied, being caught daydreaming "I just, took a break. Then you came. I'm sorry Hiccup."

"Days up. Go home guys, same time tomorrow."

                 I tripped over myself and hesitantly walked home. Flying would be faster I suppose. But it wouldn't give me time to think. The hills of Berk were as Emerald and magic looking as his eyes. It was a silly thing, I'd known him since we were kids, but he's changed, for good. The butterflies and the fuzzy feeling was just that beginning. I felt awful for all the things I'd said before. In the past two years we'd flew our dragons, everyone had developed, I had, he had, everyone did.  How can I tell him now? After all these years of knowing him? I'm not normally this nervous, but he makes me so. I have this pit in my stomach, It won't stop turning inside of me. 

As I gathered myself, I stumbled into a puddle. There I saw a girl with icy eyes and blonde hair and side bangs that complimented her face. Still, I wasn't enough. I had to tell him. I'm 17, young, not so dumb, but reckless. His perfection, brown soft hair that flowed perfectly in the wind, and his perfect face that was built perfectly, his beautiful green eyes-

"Astrid?" a stuck up voice said from behind me "Come here babe!"

SNOTLOUT FOLLOWED ME HOME?  A cold shutter washed over me, and I ran inside. Stormfly, the Deadly Nadder that I had bonded with greeted me inside with a lick and received a chicken leg in return.  Her sky blue scales and bird like features make her gorgeous, and her tail has razor sharp deadly  spikes. The Nadder has the hottest firepower of any dragon, as well as some fast flying.  

Shaking it off, she remembered to go to Hiccups house to tell him how she felt. Exiting the Hofferson household, she carried her favorite axe and knocked on his door, or more exactly, his window. She had climbed on the roof so Stoick wouldn't hear.  

A hushed voice came from the inside "Astrid? Come in? What are you doing here?"

"Hiccup, I need to tell you something."

He cut in "Okay but Astrid, me too."

"Just wait," she said "I don't know when this happened, Hiccup, but I really like you. All of you. Even your fake leg."

"Woah, really?" the astounded Viking boy replied.

"Just, do you?" she muttered "Urm- feel the same?"

"Yes, of course. You're Astrid Hofferson, my dream girl."

My face got a shade redder, I'm sure I looked like a tomato. Hiccup looked so, perfect and I leaned in without thinking. Suddenly, just as unexpected, he did the same. His hot skin was so close I almost went mad, and quickly, Hiccup kissed me. I felt, whole. As one. I don't know why, I pushed him onto the bed and started making out with him. He tried to tell me that he doesn't want me to be uncomfortable, and that he's ready, but my instincts took over. Hiccup slowly took off his pants and shirt, leaving him exposed. I craved him. I needed him. I kissed him, taking off my skirt and leggings. Pausing that kiss, left me hungry, but let me see he wants me just as bad, my shirt now off, the only thing stopping me from losing my virginity was my bra and our underwear. "You do the honors." I said. 

Swiftly unhinging my bra and taking a moment to observe what my body has grown into, he was in awe.  Feeling the bulge, I moved my hand lower and lower down until his underwear was off, returning the act, he did the same. I moved my body onto his, compressing myself into his skin, kissing him. I did something before I never did before. I grinded on him, and our private parts collided. Not being able to contain the feeling, I sat up and lowered myself onto him. Moving slow, he whispered "I want you, Astrid Hofferson."  Picking up pace, I started moaning and I said "I love you," with slyness "Only you- AHH!" 

"That hurt. But felt so good. Don't apologize, keep going,"

The happy couple were about to switch positions when Snotlout walked in on them having sex. 

"Shit," he yelped and ran away. 

Snotlout muttered in disapproval as he scampered home. He couldn't believe it. All that time, into... her? Even though she was perfect in everyway... But still, HIM? No, he had to get back at her, what if he made her jealous? The person had to be close enough that she would know and get annoyed. Astrid would realize what he means to her.

The next morning was awkward for all of them, even those whom had nothing to do with the situation. The tension was awkward and thick. Hiccup was the first to break the silence by stating how much berk needs the Gold award in the annual Regatta.

As the team was flying, Snotlout found her. "Ruff! How are you, I mean, I'm great, how are YOU?"

"Huh? What do you mean," One of the two twins replied "this is Tuffnut, muttonhead."


 "Save it, Muttonhead, and I don't want to know about the 5000 pounds of flaming hot muscle, okay?" 

Astrid looked at Hiccup with a sense of wanting, and suggested the big award-winning idea.

Everyone looked at her in shock and agreed with harmony and bliss.

"This is why I love h-" said Hiccup and Snotlout in union "HEY!" 

+posting same time tomorrow! stay tuned :) comment what you want for part 3 since I typed up part 2 (i'lltak

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