Package deal (10)

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Stars that dotted the skies shone under the dark sky, casting a soft blue glow onto Hiccup. His nose was scrunched up, clearly troubled. His back was turned towards her, yet still she could imagine how he looked. Shifting, she made a quiet sound, but still a sound that Hiccup could pick up. He did. Whipping around, he looked around and gave a suspicious glare at the trees and brush around him. Slowly sitting back down in caution, resuming his old position overlooking the sea and the sky, staring at the horizon.

Breathing heavily, but covering her mouth to avoid making any noise, she exhaled and pressed her back on the bark of the tree she had hid behind when Hiccup had been startled. Sneaking one glance at the man, she trudged towards Stormfly and the others.

A firm, boney hand griped her shoulder, immediately spinning her around. As she was moving, she swiftly grabbed her axe, about to jump whoever was planning to attack.

Instead, she only saw Ruffnut, and her face that looked as if she had just seen a ghost, but quickly recovered and smirked at Astrid.

"Stalkerrrr, but Hiccup is just bad at picking up that stuff. Can I teach you? Me and Tuff?"

Sighing heavily, I replied "Yeah-" Yawning, I breathed "How'd you know I was watching him?"

"Easy. You hide in easy hiding places, and when you move, its quiet. But not soundless." Thinking, then grinning, Ruff replied "You're lucky I'm not one of Dagur's men."

Yawning, I nodded and patted Ruff on the back in reassurance and went to sleep with Stormfly.


Dear diary, did I do something? Are all girls like this? Why did she say 'there is no more us'? It's eating at me, and I'm starting to feel so overwhelmed, all I know is that it hurts, and I don't know why. Is it her? Did something happen? Maybe, it's someone? Is she married? No. couldn't be. She had obviously wanted to spare me of some pain. I knew she was out of my league from the stinking moment I met her. It was weird.

Hiccup's voice in his head was narrating as he wrote, scribbling furiously until a soft voice came from behind him.

"She's not over you, ya know? I just think she has too much on her plate right now. Please just don't say anything mean before it's too late." Ruffnut said with sincerity, which was short lived. Soon after she became chuckling at her own thoughts and managed to pull herself together enough to warn Hiccup "BUT if you ever hurt her, you'll pay. She's my bestfriend."

Ruffnut and Astrid had bonded since we stopped the war between us and dragons. Sure, they were close before, but they had grown closer. Astrid had picked up some of the Twins tricks, and visa versa. Since the twins were a package deal, the trio had been spending more time together.

Continuing, Ruff growled and said "I'll personally end you myself if you hurt her. Butttt." Her voice cleared up and became goofy again, "I don't care who you are, and anywhoooo not all girls are the same."

Getting up and jumping back into a goop of mud, she rolled around until she ran into the woods.

A scream came from directly behind me, a happy scream, "BOAR PITTT!"

Rolling my eyes, I turned back and laid back until I felt damp, refreshing grass hit my back. A sticky, oozy, creamy almost feeling substance crawled on me. Looking down, it looked black. Damnit, the night sky made it hard to see. Oh well. I'll wait.

My head hurt. Bad. I was hung upside down and Astrid had her axe, sharping it. Looking up at his hands, he saw they were bound and that his whole body was carried in mud. Opening his mouth to say something- he caught Snotlout eying him evilly.

"Who sent you?"

"What are you doing here?"

Multiple voices blurred my hearing and tuning out, I started at Astrid. Gaping, I looked at her sharping her axe and preparing her arrows, I gulped. She was especially good with the axe and the arrows were good as well. Her whole ass fighting tactics were good. Gaping, I winced in anticipation. When nothing happened, I opened one eye and peeked out. The twins took this chance and Ruff gagged me, so I couldn't speak, then Tuff took Macie and- MACIE?

Laughing manically is all I remembered before black dots filled my vision and I became very hot and steamy.

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