Thinking Outlout (Part 7)

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"Hiccup, what crazy thing are you thinking? You told Dagur that you would go West!" Astrid retaliated at Hiccup, fuming at the green eyed Viking,

"Dagur isn't dumb. He knows that we'll go east, because we said west. Element of surprise."

Fishlegs cut in nervously "Hiccup- What if... He's there and we get ambushed?"

"Retreat, that's what we'll do. He won't be ready in time to go back and guard the rest, so we'll leave both ways." He responded calmly and independently.

The team agreed, with a mumbling Astrid and Fishlegs taking the back. The two friends both agreed Hiccup must be losing his mind. 

"Astrid, you know he's your  mindless dumb-dumb," Fishlegs commented, "he's head over heels for you, even a muttonhead could see that-"

The twins cut through the thin air, accompanied by Snotlout, doing barrel-rolls screaming- luckily, the team was so high up, not one person down on the ground could hear them.

"Maybe except them," he continued after snorting "The point is Astrid, you're never going to find someone who looks at you the way he does again."

The female blonde smiled, looking quite uncomfortable, eyes drifting off as she went back into her memory. Her azure eyes changed from clear, free to cloudy and misunderstood. Lost in thought, the only thing that pulled her out was a scream coming from below.


Dagur had been dumb enough, as the group retreated, Astrid couldn't help but look at Hiccup, who caught her gaze and cheekily grinned back. Stunned, she pulled away from Hiccup and focused on leading the group, with Fishlegs, back into the clouds to regroup.  

"Oh Gods! Hiccup-" Astrid snapped but cooled down fairly quickly, and retorted calmly "If we did it my way we would be out safely."

"Alright. I guess so." The auburn male commented sassily, but stopped after noticing Astrid's death stare. "Okay, okay. You win. " He stated in submit, but mumbled "You always win." Raising his voice, "Go east, guys, Astrid was right."

Fishlegs growled softly until Hiccup took note of it "Fishlegs was right too,"

The stocky male's expression cleared up as he flew off to accompany Astrid ahead. Hiccup wondered if she was mad at him. 

Did he do something?

"To whom, my good friend?"

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Was there a mind reader?

"Oh Contrary, my fine fellow." the voice went on "You just think out loud... You know, Ruffnut used to do that. She thinks all the time. It's so dumb. I think smart things."

"I'm RIGHT HERE, Tuff!" A not-so-bratty, but bratty voice replied before being cut off again.

"Anyways, We got the muttonhead to shut up by throwing her off a cliff into the ocean every time she thought out loud. She was wet 24-8. "

"It's 24-7! And you call me dumb."

"No one cares, Ruff!"

"I care!"

"That's why I said no one!"

"I'm your twin!"

"That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I hereby disown you!"

Ruffnut replied, annoyed "Whatever. Let's go Barf." Heading right with half of the dragon, her brother, as if cued, cried out "No. Belch, Let's go before  them." Heading left with his side of the dragon, the heads collided, making the twins smack into each-other.

"This is too much work. Welcome back to the family."

Flying over head, Snotlout said "Mutton heads." before flying off towards the front of the group.

"Guys," Fishlegs suddenly called out, after not making a peep the whole trip, which is more than I could say for the twins "We found a island to camp out at." 

This was perfect. 

The sandy beaches took my breath away, but there was one view that was perfect. She sat on a rock that overlooked the sunset, sharping her axe. He decided to leave her alone until less people were around, so he could talk openly to her. Her golden hair flew softly in the breeze, and eyes gleamed bright, yet looked so glum.

"Astrid!" Ruffnut exclaimed as they walked up to each-other. As the two were the only girls in the dragon riders, they had formed a bond. "Look at the bouquet I collected with Tuff!" Walking around showing the flowers to everyone, boasting how she had hand-picked the flowers. 

"Hiccup- isn't this Blue Oleander?" Fishlegs inquired "Deathly poisonous to dragons?"

"Fishlegs, I think it is."

Upon hearing this, the twins dropped the bouquets and argued. Tuff yelled "This is all your fault! If your lazy butt didn't need to have a break, we wouldn't be in this position!"

"My fault? MY FAULT? How in the name of Thor, is this my fault. You're the one who wanted to pick flowers!" Ruff responded, clearly mad. In a sarcastic tone, Hiccup thought 'steam could come out of your head and you mutton heads wouldn't notice.'

Hiccup, lost in his thoughts, didn't notice the brawl between the twins had quieted down, and had started staring at him. He didn't notice when Barf and Belch gingerly picked him up, and tossed Hiccup into the ocean. 

Only when his body hit the ice cold ocean did he come back to reality. Waves crashed over him, causing the boy to slam under the waters. Fighting for air, for life, he fought the waves until his last breath was almost gone. So he savored it, letting his body sink into the deep dark (hehe get the reference) ocean. His vison got blurry, probably due to the salty water hitting his eyes every second. Closing his eyes, Hiccup accepted his fate. 

Air flooded his lungs, making him spit out all the water he had previously swallowed, and look up at Astrid smiling down at him, sitting on Stormfly.

"Thinking out loud-err. outlout is what nearly got you killed," the blonde joked "thought you'd go out better, like in battle."

"Mrhhh.. Whatever." I responded, before commenting wittily "you're the warrior queen."

Blushing, she looked away and took me back to Toothless.

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