They would die for each other (Part 3)

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Flying over the endless looking saffron sea, Stormfly almost blended in the ocean as she soured over it. 

"Gang, be careful. We can't risk being seen by the Berserkers. Unless, you want to go home?"

 As I turned around, I glared "No chance, Hiccup.  And NOTHING you can say or do will change my mind." I replied with a snarky tone. 

Hiccup and Fishlegs looked away in embarrassment. Astrid ended her death stare as Stormfly shook fiercely. 

"I knew this day would come," Tuffnut belted in a dramatic manner "the dragons are fighting back!"

"Tuffnut Laverne Thorsten! I cannot BELIEVE you right now! That dragon has flown you into battle and you have worries about his loyalty? Some owner. " Fishlegs commented before Meatlug shook, nearly knocking the Viking off. "Woah!"

Giggling, Barf and Belch flew silently through the clouds while keeping a eye on Berserker Island. They muttered something as Tuffnut opened his mouth. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, and looked away, only to glance Hiccup looking at me. A blush crept through my face, breaking through my poker face. 

Cutting through my thoughts, Tuff spoke. "Um, Guys? We shouldn't be seen by the Berserkers right?"

"Yes Tuff, we discussed this." Hiccup replied sternly before smirking at me. 

"Well, Dagur's sort of boarding a ship. And there's no more cloud above him. What do we do?"

"Sh*t! Fall back! We can't risk them seeing us until they have passed." He responded in a firm but soft spoken manner. A manner that turned me on. Ugh! What is wrong with me? I can't help it. It just spews out of me. Good thing I didn't say anything. 

"Guys. GUYS! Ugh. Guys," Snotlout muttered before explaining that the ship had cleared and it was almost night fall. 

Fishlegs took the lead again and we spread out into a diamond format,  swooping over corn and cabbage crops. "My friend is going to take us in. Be nice. We all have a room. Well. We have to share with someone, and our dragons have to be with us. The place is big since Dagur didn't want him on the island with them, so he could build whatever he wanted as long as they stayed away." 

As the outside world became pitch black, Astrid saw the mansion. It was made of wood, on the outside, but it looked... stronger than that. He welcomed the team inside and she saw how it was stronger. Marble glazed the insides, making it perfect so no one could hear, but also making it easy to trap our dragons along with us. 

"Gang, meet Thod Ingerman! His dad left Berk years ago, and we kept in contact. He's my uncle." Uncle meaning family, family meaning safety. Thod eyed me, but hugged Fishlegs. 

A rough, scratchy, yet comforting voice suddenly said "Alrig't ye lads and lasses seem to be fine. Off to bed with you lot. Unless, ye hungry?" 

"We're good. Fishlegs, lead the way." A startled Snotlout looked disappointed to be torn from his food, but headed Hiccups orders. A starving crew went up the majestic marble stairs. "Gang, I have a snack for you all. But I don't want you eating any of Thod's food, because you aren't adjusted, that's all." 

"Hate to be that bit*h, but who are we like sleeping with?" Snotlout wiggling his eyebrows at Astrid, causing her to roll her eyes in disgust and growl. 

The twins looked at each other, used to this and clanged their heads together. Fishlegs asked Snotlout and he looked at me. Turning away, he shook his head in defeat and reluctantly agreed. My eyes widened, realizing who was left. "Wait..." I begged "don't leave me..." I whispered. Hiccup smiled, oblivious to her dismay and brought her to their room, Stormfly and Toothless following. 

The two dragons communicated slowly and gossiped about their owners.

(Stormfly) Man, that's awkward. I wonder what'll happen.

(Toothless) Duh. They're going to avoid each other, have you not met our owners? Hella weird after two nights ago.

Ah. What happened. I do remember sleeping on her floor and then her coming back, that's it.

Broooo. So much. HAPPENED. I was scared for Hiccup, I thought he was going to be caught by Stoick, but instead, it was Snotlout.

Wait, does that mean they... did it? Well. It would make sense. You're saying Snotlout knows they.. had it?

Yah, but what can we do. As if they understand. But. Lets. Try to get them together. Please?

"What do you think they're talking about?" Astrid sighed as she came out of the bathroom in her sleeping clothes. 

Hiccup, smirking, said "Everything. Nothing. You do know you look good in anything right?"

Astrid, turning as red as a tomato, punched him. 

"Ow! Is violence the answer for everything for you?"

 "It's not violence, it's communication!" She responded calmly, climbing into bed.  Sh*t. She really just did that. Hiccup chuckled before climbing into the grand bed next to her. Astrid's bed was different than his, by the looks, the vibes. It was soft and probably filled with goose feather down, and not her preferred color choice, but she knew that the grey-black-white scheme that went well with the house worked, and it was not her place at all, or to judge.

She fell asleep fast, and quickly started shivering in her sleep. Hiccup looked slowly, his emerald eyes shimmering at the girl he loved. Her uneven breathing shook Hiccup, not wanting her to be uncomfortable, he came up to her and put the blanket on her shaking body. Not stopping, he knew that he couldn't tell Stormfly to get on the bed, nor could he move her, leaving him to snuggle her. Turning back around, a small smile crept up her face, and his eyes opened and grinned. Feeling drowsy himself, he crept off into sleep with a goofy grin on his face.


Hiccup, don't stop! I love you!

'No turning back now.' 


Astrid stirred in her sleep, knowing her old words wer- are true. 

Hiccup needs  to stay with her. Does she even have a point without him being by her side? She answered her own point. No. 

She hugged her snuggly pillow, imagining it was Hiccup. Kissing the pillow, the half lidded, drooling blonde looked up and found Hiccup. Sh*t! She drooled all over her crush! Luckily, he was still asleep. Slithering out, she got changed. 

"Don't look at me like that! I didn't know I would be in that place." Astrid cried out.  A long pause followed and soon after a squawk.  Stormfly looked at her owner in a gentle, but judging look. "So what? I promise I don't hate him. I like him. I really do. But.. Since Snotlout walked in, I don't know. It's awkward. Because of me." Astrid broke down towards the end. 

Snapping out of it, remembering that she. is. a. warrior. Not a crybaby.  

She will NOT cry. 


Heading downstairs, she heard Thot start a conversation with Fishlegs, who had just walked into the kitchen. "And that's how ye grandma gave birth to your dad and went running for the hills. Came back a day later doe'. Big ol' softie, he was." 

"Reminds me of Hookfang's relationship with Snothat- Erm, Snotlout. Snotlout always figures out how to piss Hookie off, but they love each other. They would die for each other. Everyone would.  Always come back." Fishlegs remarked. 

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