Part 17

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*Saihara pov*

"A body has been discovered! Everyone please meet by the dorms."

I sat up and and made sure I heard the announcement correctly.

"D-did I just heard what I think I heard!"

I saw Kokichi slowly get up and look at me with a concerned glance.

"I'm pretty sure, we should hurry up and go."

I basically dragged Kokichi out of my room. He was protesting as much as he could, be he had to come with us. By the time we left a group of people, seemingly coming for the dinning hall, went over to where the dorms where. I was lucky enough that nobody had seen Kokichi leave my dorm with me.

"Wait, where's the body?"

We all looked around, but then I saw it.

"Himiko's door... it's open."

We all looked over. I could assume that we were all feeling the same kind of fear.

We all slowly but surely went over. But then we all saw it. Himiko's body was laying on the ground. Tenko was on her knees by the body, looking in disbelief. Angie was looking over her shoulder. Nobody said anything, we didn't have to. A wave of despair clearly washed over us a we observed the first body.

"W-why, why did it have to be Himiko!"

I looked back over at Tenko, she clearly wasn't taking it to well. Kaede and Angie were trying their best to try comfort her.

(I'm going to be putting all of the Monokubs' and Monokuma's dialogue in the center so it's easier to point out)

"Phuhuhuhuhu~ finally a body. This didn't seem like much of a killing game anymore."

"Monokuma what are you doing here?"

"Wait so, how are you still here. I thought that the mastermind was controlling you."

"Huh, what do you mean by the mastermind. Do you mean the one who is still controlling me."

"So... Himiko died for nothing."

"Wait, Himiko was killed because she was believed to be the mastermind."

"So, Himiko's death was an mistake. Something not meant to happen. That's a shame isn't it. If the mastermind died, the killing game would of ended by now."

"Why would someone do this to her?"

"I would assume killing Himiko was a way to try and save everyone. But the attempt was pointless."

"I can't believe it, she's actually gone."

"This probably has some connection to what happened to Kokichi."

"But then, what if she killed herself?"

"There has to be more to the story than that."

"W-why, why would would a degenerate male do such a thing!"

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