Chapter 2

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Will's POV

The drive back to Hawkins was terrible. I was too excited to see my friends and especially Mike to sleep. It sucks being a closeted gay and knowing most people are homophobic. Anyways getting back to the car ride. Eleven couldn't stop snoring. Her snores are like a herd of elephants. And Johnathan didn't stop throwing up. So yeah it was a shitty ride back home. Anyways, we are nearing Mike's house where we all decided to meet.

   "Eleven, hey, eleven wake up," I said shaking her to wake her up, "El we are almost there."

   Eleven woke up squinting waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light. She thanked me and sit upright. I looked out the window again bouncing my foot in anticipation. Mike's house started to come into view. Butterflies invaded my stomach.

Mike's POV

   I was sitting on my lawn with Nancy and Max. Dustin and Lucas were inside. My leg was bouncing up and down nervously. Honestly, I was more excited to see Will. I can't explain why I just, missed Will more. Then, I saw Joyce's car come into view. I've never stood up so fast in my life.

   "Max, can you go inside and get your boyfriend and the others," I said.

   "Sure dickwad," Max said going inside to get them.

   The car pulled over. Johnathan jumped out of the car and ran over to Nancy. They hugged and then they kissed. My heart skipped a beat as the perfect brunette boy jumped out of the car. It felt like time slowed. He started running. Then I started running. It felt like it was just us. Like nobody was around. Then he was right there. My arms wrapped around his wait and his arms wrapped around my back over my arms. He buried his face in my neck. A tear of happiness ran down my face. It felt like we spent hours hugging but in reality, it was only a few seconds. When Mike snapped back into reality he wiped the tear off his face. Then he saw Eleven. She smiled at her and hugged her. But it didn't give him the same effect as hugging Will did.

   "I missed you so much Mike," Eleven said after hugging Mike, "I love you, Mike."

   "I love you too El," I said but it didn't feel right.

   "I uh I missed you, Mike," Will said.

   "I missed you too Will," I said meaning every word.

   "Will!" Dustin almost yelled. Then Will and Dustin hugged.

   "Hi Dustin, I missed you too," Will laughed. My heart almost just melted at his laugh. I guess I didn't realize how much Will meant to me.

   "Will its been too long," Lucas said then hugged Will.

    "You" re so right," Will I sad hugging him back.

   "El," Max yelled hugging Eleven.

   "Max I missed you," Eleven said hugging Max back with passion.

   Eleven started moaning in pain. She clutched her head falling onto one knee. I was frozen as Max caught her.

   "El," Max yelled nervously, "Mike what are you doing just standing there help me get her inside."

   "Oh yeah sorry," I said glancing at Will to see him give me a reassuring look.

   I grabbed under El's arms and Max grabbed her legs.

   "Eleven," Joyce said anxiously. She tried to help carry her in by opening the door.

   Eleven continued groaning in pain until she passed out.

   "El, Eleven," I screamed. I might not have the same romantic feelings but he still loved her as a friend.

   "Mike we need to just put her in a comfortable position and wait until she wakes up," Will said putting a hand on my shoulder.

   "Um sorry to barge in but me and Dustin have to get home," Lucas said.

  "Oh okay I'll let you know when she wakes up," I said.

   "Oh my gosh, what happened," Karen said worried, "You can stay over here tonight Joyce."

   "Thank you so much, Karen," Joyce said.

   "I'm going to my room with Will," I said almost taking Wills hand but deciding not to last minute.

   "I'm going to stay here with El," Max said bitterly.

   Will and I went upstairs. I jumped on my bed and started to cry.

   "Will, I'm scared for El. What's going to happen to her? What if she doesn't wake up? What if-" I said before getting cut off.

"Mike she'll make it, she's one of the strongest people I know," Will said climbing on top of me slowly putting his right arm around my neck and his left arm on my waist. I put my left arm around his lower back and my right arm on his thigh. I put my head on his shoulder and dug my face into his neck.

"Mike you don't have to worry about her," Will said and suddenly I felt all the worries about El fade away. My eyes started to grow tired. I yawned and Will laughed and started to play with my hair.

"Go to sleep Mike she'll be here when you wake up," Will whispered. Then I fell asleep.

Will's POV

God, I wish I could tell him. Maybe I could tell him. He would understand. He will accept me. He'll support me. I have no doubt. Well, maybe some. He'll accept me. Right?

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