Chapter 4

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Mikes POV

   Mike suddenly remembered Eleven. His head shot yo and his eyes widened.

   "Are you okay Mike?" Will asked me. Touching the side of my face then taking it back quickly. I blushed at his action and by the looks of it so did he.

   "I just remembered El," I said looking in his eyes. His eyes widened.

   "We should go check on her," Will said then got out of my lap. The lack of body warmth made me shiver a little bit.

   We headed downstairs. We made it to the living room where we last saw her. Eleven and I made eye contact. I felt bad when I saw a happy and loving smile morph onto her face. I then froze in place when I realized I didn't like El romantically, not the way she loved me. I also realized I liked Will more than just a friend, that's why I blushed when he put his hand on my face. I then snapped out of it when Will put his hand on my shoulder.

   "Are you okay?" Will asked concerned while El looked at us weirdly. I smiled at nodded.

   "Are you okay El?" I asked sitting next to her only to have her cuddle into me.

   "Yeah I just had another vision," El said closing her eyes remembering the vision, "I'll tell you what it was when everyone gets here."

   Then Will laughed, "I just realized we never got to unpack our stuff." I laughed at that along with El.

   Then Joyce came in with water for El, "Here Hunny."

   Then they ate breakfast. Will, El, Joyce, and Johnathan must have been hungry from not eating after what I presume long drive. After we ate the rest of the gang came.

   "So last night El had another vision?" Lucas asked.

   "Yeah, so she's going to tell us about the vision she had," I said sitting next to her.

   "Um, the dream took place outside. It had snowed and the trees were tall and skinny. I think there were Russians-" El said before getting interrupted by me, "The Russians are back?"

"Yeah so getting back to where I was left off, by the hats some of them had they were probably Russians. It looked like they were working on a train track? But then I saw Hopper with them. He didn't look happy though. There was also this doctor I think. She had a blood-stained collared shirt and glasses. He also looked like he had handcuffs on." El finished.

"Did they speak?" Max asked. El answered with, "Now that I think about it, I think they said something in Russian. Uh, mal dolsay pulishe devilsnus es Hawkins. Ona ne monzet bit na pully yesie yo tam yet."

"So it's something about Hawkins maybe," Nancy said.

"We should call Steve and Robin, they've translated Russian before," Dustin said going to the phone and dialing why I presume to be his number.

Robins POV

"I hate working, but thanks for getting me the job," Steve said.

"No problem dingus," I replied. Then two beautiful girls walked in. Steve rushes over to me and said "The one to the left is mine," I rolled my eyes, " You can't just claim them but, I've got the one to the right," I said back.

   They came up to pay for their items and Steve tells me he'll do it. And of course, Steve tries to flirt with one of them as his ringing them up.

   "Hi, my names Steve," He said with his charming smile winking to the one on the left.

   She giggled also with a wink, "Hi, I'm Maya and this is Kaia." I could practically see Steve's blush from here. I rolled my eyes in annoying and well I smiled at my best friend.

   "Oh, this is Robin, my best friend," Steve said putting his arm around me to show them.

    "Hi, sorry about this Dingus," I said pushing his arm off of me. Then the phone rang.

   "I'll get it you can finish ringing them up," Steve said. I responded with a laugh, "Ok Prince Charming,"

   He rolled his eyes and answered giving Maya another charming smile, "Hi, this is Family...." I blocked him out after that.

   "So how's your day been," I asked eying the girl named Kaia while ringing them up.

   "Oh its been gre-" Kaia started then got interrupted by Steve yelling, "She what?"

   Then he realized he yelled and quieted down. The turned his head away from us.

   "Sorry about him," I said kinda worried now, "So uh your price will be $3.99."

   "So are you two dating, because if you are he's being awfully flirting with other women," Maya said giving me the $4 and I gave her the receipt.

   "No, no we're just friends," I chuckled, "Um if you will excuse me."

   I went to the phone where Steve was and asked, "What, Steve, what's going on?"

   "Shit, shit, shit, the Russians are back Robin," Steve said worriedly.

   "Is that Dustin?" I asked and he nodded, "Ask him if there was a reason he called us."

   "Henderson was there a reason you are calling us?" Steve asked repeating my words, "You want us, to translate Russian? I mean we could-"

   "My brother speaks Russian," Maya interrupted us.

   "Well, we got someone who speaks Russian so.," Steve said. I wondered how she heard us we were being fairly quiet. I brushed it off though.

   "Ok we'll be over in like 15-20 minutes," Steve said hanging up.

   We walked over to Maya and Kaia. Kaia looked confused and she said, "Well I'm uh going to go now, I'll see you later Maya, bye."

   "Bye Kaia sees you tomorrow," Maya waved goodbye.

   "So," Maya said looking smug, "Why does Henderson? Dustin? Need you to translate Russian?"

   I looked at her confused on how she knew, she must have seen my face because she said, "I was experimented on as an infant. It left me with heightened senses."

   Steve and I's mouths morphed into an O shape. Steve looked at me asking if he could tell her. I gave him a look of no, but then he used his puppy eyes so I said yes.

   "Ok here we go, so let me explain this whole thing. Well uh you see, there's a thing called the upside-down that kidnapped our friend, Will, well not the upside-down the Demogorgon. Then Eleven came along she was also experimented on I'm pretty sure, and she has telekinetic powers that let her move things with her mind, then Will got possessed and Eleven tried to close the upside down and then we exorcise   the demon out of Will that was secretly spying on us, with heat, and then the Russians came and they tried to open the upside-down and now the Russians are back- Oh we also have a bunch of other friends, well they are basically all children because I'm the best babysitter ever - Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Nancy, Johnathan, you already know Will and Eleven. Nancy is my ex-girlfriend. Johnathan is Wils brother and is dating Nancy. Mikes Elevens' boyfriend. Max and Lucas are their friends and are dating. Max is a girl. Dustin's dating someone from far away apparently they met in camp?- Do you understand?" Steve asked after blabbering.

   "I think I do, but be prepared to tell that to my brother," Maya said making Steve sigh before walking away with Maya and me, "Miles is his name," Maya said referring to her brother.

   Then we walked to Maya's car and got in Steve in the passenger's seat, Maya in the driver's seat and me in the back seat.

   "This is going to be fun," Maya said before driving to her house.

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