Chapter 3

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Joyce's POV

I walk into Mike's room to tell the boys El is awake. I then see Mike and Will cuddling and sleeping. Even though Will hasn't told me, I know he's gay. He hasn't had any feelings for girls and its obvious for me, I am his mother. I smile and walk out of the room deciding not to wake them.

"Hey, El how are you feeling," I say sitting next to her.

"Um better I guess," El said, "I had another dream or vision I guess."

"Really tell me what it was about Hunny," I said rubbing her back to make sure she's comfortable. I gave Max a ride home late last night so she wasn't here. Karen was making breakfast for us while Nancy and Johnathan "catch up".

"Well, first it was beautiful. Snow and tall skinny trees. At first, I saw people working on a train track I think. Then I saw Hopper. He was bald-" El said before I interrupted her surprised, "He's bald?"

"Surprisingly, that's not all though. I think the people were Russians and they had a doctor I think. He looked like he was bleeding. He had a blood-stained white collared shirt and glasses. He didn't look like he wanted to be there." El finished.

   I immediately thought of Alexei. But I watched Alexei die right in front of me. I also did think Hopper was dead so I guess anything is possible right?

Mikes POV

   I woke up and smiled at remembering last night. I cuddled my face into Will's neck even more. I could lay here for hours as long as it was with Will. Mike always felt safe with Will. I felt Wills neck twitch so I looked up. We locked eyes and he smiled and I got butterflies in my stomach.

   "Good morning Mike," Will said rubbing my shoulder.

   "Morning Will," I said snuggling back into him. He chuckled at this action but didn't complain.

Wills POV

   I was so happy. I have had a crush on Mike for the longest time. Now I'm sitting on his lap and he was cuddling into me. Who didn't want this? I finally decided I was going to tell him today. And now it was a perfect time. Later on, El was going to tell everyone about her dream and well, I'll never get another chance. Here it goes.

   "Uh, Mike," I said nervously using my two fingers to lift his chin up.

    "Yeah Will," Mike said now making eye contact with me.

   "I have something to tell you," I said wringing my fingers.

   "Go ahead Will, just know I will always support you, Will," Mike said rubbing my lower back.

   I smiled and continued, "I uh, uh I-" I was cut off by my throat closing and two tears running down my face.

   "Hey Will, what's wrong. Will," Mike said wiping the tears from my face, "Will you can tell me anything."

   "I'm uh- I'm gay," I finally blurted out closing my eyes and looking away scared.

   "Will," Mike said using his fingers to face my face towards his, "Look at me."

   "You don't have to say anything," I said before I tried to get up and walk away. But a pair of arms wrapped around me.

   "Will look at me," Mike said for the last time and I knew that so I looked at him, "I support you fully. Being gay won't change the amazing, caring, perfect boy that you are."

   After he said that I started to tear up. I buried my head into his neck and let out a few tears.
   "Thank you, Mike, you have no idea how much this means to me," I said a little stuffy now.

   "Will, I would never push your away for that silly reason," Mike said wiping my tears away, again.

   I don't think my smiles ever been wider. Then I saw the tears that fell from his face. I wiped them up and chuckled as he giggled.

   "Hey uh, can you keep this between you and me until I'm ready?" I asked hopefully.

   "Of course Will, you can trust me fully," Mike said holding out his pinky finger, "I pinky promise."

   I chuckled and intertwined our pinky fingers. Then we went back to snuggling forgetting all about Eleven. I was to busy being happy about him being so understanding.

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