Chapter 18 - Epilogue

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A Few Weeks Later

Wills POV

"Hey, Will help me with these boxes," Mike said, "Please."

"Sure baby," I said walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the lips taking the box from his hands.

"Get a room," Eleven joked. She was happy for us and it was amazing. Mike came out a little after Nick and Kaitlyn went to jail. And then we came out as a couple. And well, everyone accepted us and it was amazing.

I stuck my tongue out at her and walked into Mike's new room. We had also gotten a new house. A bigger house that fits all of us. Mom, Hopper, Eleven, Mike, Holly, Kaia, and I. Johnathan had moved to New York after he saved up enough money to attend NYU. There were 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. My mom had picked up two jobs and Hopper got his job back. Kaia and I also got jobs. We needed money for the bills.

"Thanks, Will," Mike said as he and I set down the boxes of his stuff.

"No problem Mike," I said taking him by surprise and holding his waist leaning down to kiss him. He put his arms around my neck and then he pulled away. Our foreheads rested against each other.

"I can't believe this is happening," Mike said looking dazed backing his head away from mine to look into my eyes.

"I know, I can't believe I'm moving in with my boyfriend and best friend," I said moving my hand from his waist to his jaw.

"I really hope we don't have any serious fights," Mike sighed leaning into my touch.

"Me too, me too baby," I said getting quieter with every word. I closed my eyes and reconnected our foreheads.

Elevens POV

I'm not going to lie I was a little hurt when Mike and Will came out as a couple. But I only had one question I don't think I'll ever ask, were they a couple before we broke up? That is a question I'm not even sure I want to be answered. This new living situation was ideal. It was amazing. I was basically getting a sister and a brother. I was living with my best friends.

"This is amazing!" Kaia exclaimed looking around our room.

"I know right, I'm living with my best friends," I mused smiling also looking around our room. Kaia and I are sharing a room. Will and Mike also shared a room, Joyce and Hopper were reluctant to let it happen since they are dating but Holly couldn't share a room with a guy. So Holly was lucky enough to get her own room. But I wasn't entirely mad with the idea of Kaia and I sharing a room.

Our room wasn't all that big. We both had separate twin beds. The room was a baby blue color and our beds both had the same plaid bedding. There were boxes all around the room waiting to be unpacked.

"Eleven, what time is it?" Kaia asked unpacking some of her things.

"Uh, it's 12:30," I answered after looking at the clock.

"Shoot, I'm going to be late, bye Eleven," Kaia said rushing out the door to her job. She worked as a waitress at a local diner.

"Bye Kaia," I said right before she left. She had to walk since she doesn't have a car yet.

Steve's POV

"Wait, you're saying you and Kaia are finally dating," I said bewildered.

"Don't act so surprised," Robin said rolling her eyes, "The surprising thing is Maya said yes to going out with you Dingus."

"Yeah, yeah. But are you guys like out?" I asked whispering even tho it was just us.

"No, we decided to keep it secret and on the down-low for a while. But Mike and Will know," She answered, "They are honestly so brave for coming out, they may be stupid but they are brave."

"Yeah they are, but so are you, it just takes time," I said looking at her reassuringly.

"Don't go all soft on me, Dingus," She said punching my shoulder smiling.

"Well, well, look at the times, I've got a date with Maya," I said smiling probably looking like an idiot.

"Have fun on your date," She mused.

Mikes POV

"Mike?" I heard my name and saw Holly looking at me.

"Yes Holly," I said crouching down so that I'm about the same height as her.

"Can you help me unpack?" She asked knowing I was the oldest in the house at the moment. Will and Kaia had gone to work, along with Joyce and Hopper. Hopper had got his job back as a police officer, someone had filled in the position of chief after he had disappeared. Will had gotten a job at the same diner as Kaia working as a dishwasher. It's not much but it's something.

"Sure," I said following her to her room.

I helped her unpack her belongings. Her room was small, her walls had a pink polka-dotted wallpaper. Her bed had off white bedding. I folded her clothes and she told me where to put them.

"Are Joyce and Jim our new parents now?" Holly asked sitting on my lap when we were done unpacking her clothes.

"You can think of it like that," I said shocked. I've never really thought about it before. What if the system wants to put us into foster care? What if Holly and I got split up? Maybe it's best I stop looking for a job and stay on the down-low. School was enough attention for me.

A Few Hours Later

"I missed you, baby," Will said hugging me from behind in our room.

"It's only been a few hours babe," I said leaning back into his shoulder looking up at him.

"I know, but I still missed you," He said kissing me and holding me even tighter.

"Dinner time," Joyce yelled from the kitchen. Will groaned as I detached myself from him.

"C'mon Will," I said chuckling, I grabbed his hand and led him to the dinner table.

Will and I walked to our seats sitting next to each other. Kaia said across from me and Eleven sat across from Will. Hopper and Joyce both sat at the head of the table and Holly sat beside Eleven.

"I got news," Hopper said after taking a bite of the chicken Joyce made.

"About?" Kaia asked before taking a bite of the chicken, "Oh my, Joyce this is amazing."

"Thank you, Kaia," Joyce said chuckling as she started to eat her own food.

"Well, Nick and Kaitlyn are going to prison, Kaitlyn is on death row and Nick is serving a life sentence," Hopper said getting straight to the point, he also had covered Holly's ears not wanting to explain what death row was.

"That's good," I said and Will put his hand on my knee comforting me.

"Yeah, that's really good," I confirmed squeezing his knee comfortingly.

The rest of the dinner we just laughed. We talked about random things and just laughed. I couldn't be happier.

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