Chapter 1

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Ivan's Pov

Barcelona, Spain. Monday, 8:30AM

"I'm so nervous.. What if he doesn't like me" I said to Emilio as we waited for boggi at the train station in downtown Barcelona.

"Why wouldn't he like you, Ivan?" Emilio asked, Giving me a confused look.

"Uhm have you looked at me lately?" I asked, Lowkey having a mental meltdown.

This is a whole new level for me because I have NEVER been worried about someone liking me or not.. But this time just feels different....

Emilio laughed slightly and looked at me again.

"Ivan, you're fine." He said gently.

I nodded and began scrolling through Boggi's instagram. Yes I'm stalking his instagram what about it?

"So cute.." I said looking at a post on his page from 2018.

"What's so cute?" Emilio asked.

"OH! nothing nothing" I said, then of course my dumbass liked the post.

"SHIT!" I mentally yelled in my head as I quickly unliked the post, Praying to god boggi didn't see I liked it in the first place.

A train slowly starts slowing down on the tracks in front of the twins.

"This must be his train" Emilio said, Getting up and beginning to approach the spot boggi would be getting off at.

"Yeah" I said, suddenly getting butterflies in my stomach and I don't really understand why.

We wait a few minutes and see boggi emerge from the train as he pulls his two suitcases behind him and backpack on his back.

He runs up to Emilio and I, He's smiling so big. He hugs Emilio and tells him hi.

But then he turns around and locks eyes with me..

My stomach drops, My heart feels like it's in my throat. Everything around us just stops like it's only him and I that exist as soon as we locked eyes.. I've never had this type of feeling with a girl or a guy. It's weird yet addicting already. I love it

"Ivan.. Ivan say hi" Emilio said, Nudging me a bit.

I snap out of the trance and look into boggi's eyes

"Oh yeah, Sorry hi I'm Ivan" I said gently, Lowkey checking him out.

"I'm boggi..." He said, Smiling shyly.

I must say He truly has the most beautiful voice.

"Nice to meet you" I said, Smiling gently at him.

He nodded back as a "same" type gesture.

"Let's get going" Emilio said about to grab Boggi's bags.

"I'll carry them!" I said, Quickly grabbing The two very heavy suitcases while Boggi chose to carry his backpack on his back.


Boggi's pov

"Is this what heaven feels like?" I ask myself as I stare at Ivan on the way to the house the twins rented..

Him and I were sharing the backseat because Emilio and the twins photographer were upfront.. Emilio driving and their photographer was on the phone.

"So how was your morning traveling here?" Ivan asked me, in a gentle tone which I thought was just so adorable.

"It was nice.. I boarded the train at six this morning and I fell asleep then woke up about ten minutes before I arrived here" I said back in the same gentle tone.

Ivan smiled softly and nodded which made me more comfortable already.

"We're here" Emilio announced as he parked in the driveway of the house they rented.

"Wow.. It's huge..." I said, blown away by how beautiful the house is.

We all got out of the car and, Ivan grabbed my bags from the trunk and smiled at me once again those pearly white teeth.

"It's beautiful.." I said

"Like you" Ivan mumbled.

"Huh?" I asked clearly not hearing him clearly.

"What? Oh nothing" Ivan said, Clearing his throat. Looking quite embarrassed as he walked quickly into the house. I shrugged off that weird interaction and entered the house.

"Well there's three bedrooms. I mean Ivan and I can share one if you want your own space." Emilio spoke to me.

I debated it for not even more than a second.

"I can share with Ivan. I don't mind" I said sound a little happier than I should be about it.

Emilio slowly nodded and looked at Ivan.

"That's totally fine with me" Ivan said, Smiling ear to ear..


HIIII I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of this book. I know it probably sounds stupid, cringe or weird right now but I promise it'll get better!

Please feel free to leave any tips on what should happen, how I should improve my writing , ETC!!

You're mine -Bogivan-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu