Chapter 13

411 19 18

March 15th, 2021, Monday 11:00AM, Barcelona, Spain.

Boggi's Pov.

Ivan has been very stressed lately, I've been trying to help him but he keeps pushing me away. I honestly have no clue what do at this point.

I was sitting on our bed, in deep thought. But my thoughts were interrupted when Ivan came in our bedroom and slammed the door shut, Pacing back and forth, Breathing heavy.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked, Looking at Ivan.

"Just shut the fuck up for once" Ivan snapped at me, As he ran his fingers through his hair and continued to pace back and forth.

"Excuse me?" I asked, In shock because yes Ivan and I have had arguments here and there but he's never said that to me.

"Excuse me?" Ivan childishly mimicked me, Rolling his eyes.

"You're always up on me and wanting to know what's wrong can you just be quiet for a second, Please" Ivan demanded, His hands beginning to shake.

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I don't know what's going on with you, But you have never acted this way towards me and this behavior is not going to turn into a normal pattern, Ivan.. I'll leave you so fucking quick you won't know how to process it.." I said, getting up.

Ivan stopped pacing and looked at me with tears in his eyes, "I-I'm sorry..." He stuttered out, Sighing.

"I'm just done with everyone right now, I shouldn't take my anger out on you like that and i'll try to keep it from happening again..." He added, Talking in a soft tone.

I nodded a little as a silent "Good to know we're on the same page again" type way.

"It's just.. Emilio keeps pressuring the thought of going back to social media and I don't want to do it now. I've been through enough, Emilio and I tried filming earlier and he kept yelling at me cause I kept messing our intro up, and then he got mad at the fact he has to edit the mess ups out which will take him longer and my mom and sister are mad at me cause I said something about Emilios behavior and they sided with him.. I just wanna go to bed for a long long time" Ivan said, Bursting out into tears.

"Aww, Baby come here." I said holding my arms out for him.

He quickly hugged me and snuggled up in my arms and continued to cry.

"And Emilio said I was a little bitch" Ivan said, Continuing to cry.

I slowly laid us both back onto the bed and rubbed Ivans back as he continued to explain everything that has been going for the last month, That I've been so clueless of because he didn't wanna come out and tell me what him and Emilio have been going through and why Ivan has been taking his anger out on me. but now I finally know.

"Hey hey shhh.. It's okay, I'm here now" I whispered Softly into his ear, Trying to get him to calm down from his panic attack.

"I don't want them to hate me baby" He cried, Cuddling up even more to me.

"Babe, They can't and won't hate you.. They're your family" I said gently.

"My dad left, He didn't come back so I don't even trust family to not hate me" He cried once more.

"Your dad was an asshole, your family isn't.. People just getting frustrated, Love.. Just like last night. You got mad at me and I got mad at you and we yelled mean things at each other but made up..." I said, In a soothing tone.

Ivan nodded a little and kissed my cheek.

We talked a little bit more and then off to sleep he went. I slowly got out of bed and covered him up then went downstairs to Emilio.

"Boggiiiii" Emilio said, as he saw me coming down the stairs.

"What the fuck is your issue?" I said, taking a seat in front of Emilio at the dining room table.

"Huh?" Emilio asked, shocked expression coming across his face.

"Don't act stupid.. Mentally and emotionally abusing your brother doesn't set right with me. He's fucking trying to please you and you don't even care.. Not one bit.." I said, my anger slowly getting worse.

"It's not your concern" He said rolling his eyes, Continuing to edit on his laptop.

I reached across the table and slammed Emilio's laptop shut. "That can fucking wait." I said, looking him in the eyes sternly which of course he returned the look.

"I'll do whatever to ivan.. He's my brother after all." Emilio said.

Anddddd.. that's when I lost it. I grabbed Emilio by the collar of his hoodie and jerked him across the table.

"Let me tell you something, One day you're gonna sit down all alone.. No mom, no sister, no ruben, no ivan, not even me to be around... and you're gonna regret ever treating him like you do... Ivan looks up to you and wants to make you proud and you treat him horribly.... Either get a goddamn attitude readjustment or I'll adjust it for you... I may be relaxed and quiet.. but I promise you that you don't wanna fuck with me and my boyfriend." I said, in a low cold tone.

Emilio gulped and looked me in the eyes "o-okay" he stuttered out.

"Good." I said letting go of his shirt and shoving him back down in his chair, then walking into the kitchen.

Emilio looked across the room at Ruben who was laying across the couch playing video games.

"Thanks for the help babe" Emilio said sarcastically.

"I ain't fucking with boggi" Ruben replied, continuing his game.

Hiii I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys! I'll be writing another one soon!

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