Chapter 2

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Boggi's pov

It's now 11:48AM,

I'm unpacking my clothes and putting them in my side of the closet while Ivan puts his stuff in his side of the closet.

"I like your clothes a lot. You have good style" Ivan said, As he continued putting his clothes away.

I started blushing-.. Wait why am I blushing. He just complimented my clothes so I shouldn't be blushing right?

"Oh thank you.. You have a good style too" I said, Trying to hide myself blushing as I finished putting my clothes away.

I caught Ivan blushing as he finished putting his clothes away as well.

I wonder why he's blushing but I quickly brush that thought off when he looks at me.

"You hungry?" He asked me

"Yeah, I'm starving" I said, Laughing a bit.

"I think Emilio is cooking pizza" Ivan spoke again as he led me downstairs.

I nodded and looked around the house. I looked back at Ivan and smiled big.

Why was I feeling so excited around Ivan, Like my heart is beating really fast..

Every time he looks at me I get butterflies and my stomach does flips.. The only time I felt this way was with my last girlfriend but we broke up cause I lost feelings...

Wait I'm not gay am I? I haven't thought of girls in a romantic or sexual way in awhile... Oh my god did Ivan make me gay??... Well he is gorgeous..

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Emilio was holding a slice of pineapple pizza infront of me

"Oh thank you!" I said, Taking the slice and taking a bite of it, "So good" I groaned, Taking another bite.

"Emilio makes the best pizza" Ivan said, Stuffing his face full.

I giggled at how cute Ivan was, I couldn't help it.

Emilio and Ivan smiled as they ate the pizza slices.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Emilio asked Ivan and I

"Games and movies?" Ivan and I asked in unison.

"Hey! He's my twin you're not allowed to be in sync with him" Emilio said, Acting like he was mad as he hugged Ivan protectively.

I put my hands up as if I was surrendering ivan to Emilio.

"Sorry sorry my bad" I laughed as I put my hands down and ate the rest of my pizza then carefully set my plate in the sink.

Ivan giggled as he leaned against Emilio, Watching what Emilio was doing on his phone.

Ivan's giggle was so cute and melted my heart but I can't let him know what I'm thinking. it would probably ruin everything.


Emilio's pov

It's now 8:30PM

We've been watching movies after playing board games for a few hours.

Boggi is so cool I can already tell he's gonna be like my baby brother.

Ivan's been super smiley snd giggly around him since he got here so I'm glad he's comfy with boggi around.

Right now we're watching Spiderman homecoming cause why not. I look over and see Ivan and boggi sharing a blanket.

That's odd seeing as Ivan only usually shares a blanket with me but maybe he's just being nice since Boggi just got here so I brush it off

"I love this movie" Boggi said quietly, As he continued staring at the tv in front of us.

"Me too" I said, Smiling. "It's the best." I added.

"Me three, Like Emilio said, It's the best" Ivan spoke, Giggling slightly. Causing boggi to blush and smile more.

Hmm thats odd. But I brush it off once again and continue with my movie.


Ivan's pov

Boggi and I are sharing a blanket as we watch the Spiderman homecoming movie. I started getting butterflies the closer boggi moved towards me and I loved it.

I felt him put his arm around my waist and lay his head on my chest.

My skin began to get all warm and tingly, I craved his touch and I've only met him just a few hours ago, Insane right? Right.

His voice is so soothing and precious, his giggle is my favorite sound other than his or Emilio's voice, His smile is the cutest, and.. wait.. am I bisexual? I've never thought this way of a guy..

What would Emilio think of me if I brought this up to him? Would he hate me for it?

I mean sure Emilio is loving and understanding but would this be too much of a shock for him? I mean think about it, You think your twin is straight for your whole life and then suddenly they're like "Oh hey I'm bi" ... Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I looked down at boggi and saw he was asleep.

I felt like I had to protect him and watch over him, I don't know but its just an instinct for me now.

"He's like a teddy bear, He's cuddly" I said to Emilio as he turned the tv off after the movie ended.

"He's so precious" Emilio said, Giggling quietly.

"Yeah.." I said quietly, not meaning it the same way Emilio meant it. I meant it a romantic way.

I slowly slide out from under boggi, Careful not to wake him.

"I'll carry him up" I said, Picking boggi up bridal style and holding him close to my chest protectively.

"Okay, Goodnight bro" Emilio said, Kissing my cheek as he walked by me to get a water bottle out of the kitchen for himself.

"Night, Milio" I said softly, As I went upstairs with boggi. I walked into my room and kicked the door lightly so it would shut..

as the door shut, I gently laid boggi in bed and took boggi's hoodie off for him so all he is wearing is his sweatpants and then I tucked him in.

I got ready for bed and put a comfy hoodie on with some basketball shorts and got into the bed.

I closed my eyes and turn on my side, Facing away from boggi.

"You're precious too" Boggi said only loud enough for me to barely hear.

My eyes flew open and I just stared at the wall while I brushed hard as fuck.


"Oh uh.. Thanks" I said back softly.

I heard him lightly laugh as he made me turn over facing him.

He looked at me for a second then cuddled up to me With one of his arms around my neck while the other rested under his pillow and one of his legs across my lower waist while the other wrapped around one of my legs.

"Sorry, I just like to cuddle" Boggi Said, with a yawn

"It's fine.. Me too" I said gently as I cuddled with him. Soon I fell into a deep sleep along with boggi..



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