Chapter 12

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Helloooo, Please don't beat me up. I know I went MIA for a couple months but I got writers block and I didn't know where I wanted this story to go (Still kinda don't) But I'm sorry for the long wait and to those who have waited...And waited........AND WAITED for a new chapter. Thank you so so much for sticking around and being patient with me.. I hope everyone is well! anyway, here is a (Hopefully) Good chapter.. I have huge stuff coming soon though. Maybe spilling a little tea for bogivan.


Barcelona, Spain.

Friday, Dec. 25th 2020

Boggi's Pov

I slowly wake up to the smell of hot chocolate. It smells so good.

I slowly open my eyes and see Ivan sitting on my side of the bed.

"I made you some hot chocolate, Baby... just how you like it" Ivan spoke quietly, With his very attractive husky morning voice.

I sit up in the bed gently, And take the hot chocolate from him, And peck his lips as a silent thank you.

He smiled and pecked my lips back..

"I didn't bother you last night, did I?" He asked, Looking into my eyes..

Last night, after we all chose to go to sleep after the movie was over. Ivan got a really bad stomach ache to the point he even cried for a few minutes which really had me concerned, I rubbed on his stomach most the night to calm him which helped.

"Baby no you didn't... I'm just glad I was there to help you.." I said gently, As I sipped my hot beverage..

Ivan nodded a little and looked down..

"Hey what's wrong mi amor?" I asked.

He looked back at me and sighed a little.. 

"What if you don't like your gifts?..." He asked, Frowning.

"Aww, Baby.. That's what you're worried about?" I said feeling bad over the fact that thought even crossed his mind.

"Yeah... Last time Christmas came, I was dating this girl and she hated all her Christmas gifts that I put so much thought into.. so I just get anxiety about it now when I give gifts..." Ivan said, Tearing up a little..

The thing about Ivan is, He has this 'I'm a tough boy, nobody can hurt me' act going on towards people he's not close with but in reality, Ivan is one of the most soft hearted people I know.

 He gets sensitive, Upset, Happy, Etc. More than other people. 

He is tender hearted. You can say something mean to him and I bet you, he'd cry in his room for the rest of the week..

"Well whatever you get me, I will love so much. If I could whip your ex's ass I would.. I don't care if I'm a guy either. She's the only girl I'd hit" I said, Scooting closer to Ivan.

Ivan chuckled softly and put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Well, Thank you" He said softly.

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