Chapter 7

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Barcelona, Spain. Monday, 11:47am.

Boggi's POV,

Ivan has been Awake laying in bed since 9:30 this morning. I know I told him I'd do everything for him but the amount of times he's told me to go get him something from downstairs is insane. My legs are burning from walking up and down the stairs so much.

I walk into Ivan's room and he visibly noticed I wanted a break. The look on his face told me he noticed

"Here's your pineapple juice" I said , slightly outta breath as I passed him the glass of pineapple juice.

"Oh damn I meant grape juice" Ivan said, looking at me with a serious look.

I gave him an intense stare as in: You're gonna drink what I gave you.

Ivan bursted into laughter, pulling me into the bed.

"I'm just playing baby take a break" Ivan laughed, laying on top of me wanting to cuddle.

I smiled softly and cuddled up to him.

"You're such a baby... it's adorable" I said, causing ivan to blush.

"Well you're not wrongggg" ivan said, giggling and blushing.

I laughed and rubbed his lower back.

His phone buzzed about four times. Ivan grabbed it, and it was one of his close friends but they've been texting a lot more recently which is odd..

I think his name was bel? I know bel was bisexual , I saw it on his Instagram so I just don't want ivan leaving me for bel.. I know ivan wouldn't but I've been cheated on before so those thoughts always will stick with me.

Ivan looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked, gently.

"Oh uhm.. yeah" I managed to say, continuing to rub his back.

"Babe, no you're not.. what's wrong?" Ivan asked, putting his phone down and looking at me.

"No I'll sound jealous" I said softly.

"Babe you're expressing your emotions I would never say you're jealous..." Ivan said gently

"I just.. don't understand why you text that guy way more recently" I said, looking into his eyes.

"Babe, We're just friends.... don't you trust me?" Ivan asked, seeming kinda hurt if I didn't trust him.

"I do trust you! It's him I don't trust..." I said, frowning.

"Babe, I'm not gonna cheat.. I'm not like those players... I promise" Ivan said, showing me his texts between him and bel.

"Babe I know, and it's okay" I said, not reading the texts cause it's not right to even though ivan is showing me himself.

"Promise it's okay?.." ivan said, kissing me slowly as he put his phone down.

"Promise.." I said, kissing back slowly, smirking as ivan got on top of me.

"How is it possible to be so beautiful as you are baby" Ivan said , kissing my neck slowly and hard which really turned me on, Like god damn that's hot.

Ivan began to grind against me.. Well until Emilio bursted through the door and Ivan rolling off me quickly.

"Have you heard of knocking?!" Ivan asked, slightly frustrated

"Hmmm... No" Emilio said as he shrugged, flopping on the bed.

Ivan sighed.

"What do you need Milio?" Ivan asked

"I'm lonely and bored so I came in here" Emilio said, shrugging his shoulders

"Well, we were kinda busy" ivan said, sighing slightly.

"What could you possibly be busy with in here?" Emilio asked.

"Hmm I don't know shoving my dick up his-" ivan began to say but I quickly covered his mouth.

"Ew stop! Don't tell him that" I said , trying to hold in a laugh.

"Ewww" Emilio whined

"Don't act like it's gross. You and Ruben had it going on the other night" ivan said, causing Emilio to go red in the face.

"I- maybe yeah.." Emilio said, looking away.

I laughed.

"Let's just forget about it and watch some movies" Emilio said, trying to get rid of the awkward tension.

Ivan slightly nodded, as he leaned over against me

"You're Mine later tonight" ivan whispered into my ear seductively, as he smirked against my ear.

I felt my heart skip a few beats, how can he have this much control over me and my emotions? How?

Ivan smirked and began choosing a movie with Emilio as I sat there trying to calm myself.

Ivan looked over his shoulder at me and winked before he turned his attention back to Emilio and the tv.

I love him so much, no way would I ever trade him for something or someone else.

Hi I know this chapter was short but I'll have a long chapter soon

You're mine -Bogivan-Where stories live. Discover now